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Terrence Loves Me

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Everything posted by Terrence Loves Me

  2. can someone send me a link to where i can listen to bar online? because i really want it saved to my laptop but i've only got it on my phone and i can't transfer it. I need it in my unreleased folder collection so baddddddd. Maybe not send me a link because i know that's not allowed, but can someone give me a hint
  3. Impossible to have a favorite but i really like Afraid, both versions <3
  4. why are you picking on her weight? I'm sure that has nothing to do with any of her sales. She's beautiful
  5. guys i was just thinking in her song "Find my own way", she says jesus was a dying man. So like in Kill Kill is she saying she's in love with Jesus basically? SOLVED
  6. There should be a nightclub that only plays Lana Del Rey songs including all her unreleased music. And on special occasions they play like a 20 second sneak peak of a new leaked song. At the bar they only sell jack daniels whiskey and diet mountain dew. There's a courtyard smoking area where you can moon bathe. A bookshelf full of bibles with important stand-out Lana lyrics and a description to what each line means. Also there could be a tiny stall titled "my favorite tone of song" with a collection of blue nail polishes. Free flower crowns as you enter. Dress code is anything BUT current. You either come dressed as a vintage queen or a space martian. A listening booth titled 'Eclipse is over' where you have to pay like 50 dollars to hear a full new EXCLUSIVE leaked track on your own. NO PHONES ALLOWED. Maybe the ceiling could have either a Love inspired space theme going on decorated with planets etc, or the cathedral ceiling from the Born To Die video. Lana would occasionally visit but most likely never. And if she does, she's bound to make a live stream of some sort. There could be certain nights dedicated to each album. Monday night is May's ICONIC folk music. Tuesday nights is A.K.A. Wednesday nights is Paradise, Thursday nights is Ultraviolence. Friday nights is unreleased BOPS (most likely the busiest night) Saturday nights is Born to Die. And Sunday nights is Honeymoon, as it's a day or rest. I know this is way too far fetched but IMAGINE how fuking great this would be. Would be a nice place to get away from all the other generic night clubs and escape to a land of paradise where all the messy lana stans can be shady face to face. Also Elle get's in for free.
  7. I heard she's collabing with paris hilton do ya'll think this is just a rumor?
  8. i really don't want any collabs though it's pointless because she doesn't need another artist, and whenever she has collabed with someone else she's always outshined the other person way too much anyway
  9. In Bell Air i thought it was "contour me baby" instead of "come to me baby"
  10. maybe she's just gonna release it randomly all at once? Could be in April or May? it has to be. I can't wait any longerrrr
  11. I'm going for a walk in the rain whilst listening to all my depressing music and wishing i was dead. My spanish lover has left me and i have nobody anymore. I love all u crazy ass lana fans so much and this thread is so comforting for me, despite how messy. Thank you so much Elle for making this site. i really appreciate it Who else is hating life right now?
  12. I'm in so much pain right now i really need new music Please, Lana if you're reading this, release something. I beg you. I need something to distract me because i'm worried for my sanity
  13. me too sis hang in there, i'm sure it won't be long now
  14. what if love isn't even on her new album? what if it's like just a random single?
  15. yeah i know what you mean but the more lana tracks the better, if i could have it my way i'd want a never-ending collection of songs but i don't think that's possible
  16. i wonder how many tracks there will be on this record? I'm hoping for about 15, no deluxe
  17. I love bar but does anyone else think it gets boring quite quickly? It's not that relatable and it's just kind of flat all the way through. I still like it though
  18. Honeymoon 14 art deco 23 religion 18 salvatore 55 the blackest day 61
  19. west coast - 66 shades of cool - 19 brooklyn baby - 69
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