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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. tbh for me i can't compare Halsey to lana like no lana has much more success but yeah i got ur point these prices made me think that her middle east tickets will be so overpriced more than US tickets since most of ppl think that Arab ppl are so rich while we are not lmaoo.. ugh im hella stressed like pls drop ur middle east dates already
  2. did you just compare Kali (a new artist) to Lana?
  3. im really worried and i cant stop thinking about it, Lana said she will announce the middle east tour next week but idk which country did she choose like i cant go to Israel & Qatar cuz im not allowed to and im afraid that her tickets in Kuwait will be so expensive do you know guys VIP ticket for local singers in kuwait is for $2900 loool like i really wish if they will be as much as the american concerts price i really couldn't stop thinking about it sigh
  5. i hope she really does her best and visit the middle east, cuz its the only chance to meet her pray for me gaaaaaaays
  6. guys.. im just...... ok check it out pls https://www.facebook.com/events/121869101784503/
  7. so we've been played? lmao https://www.facebook.com/events/121869101784503/
  8. Guys the red sweater & LFL boxset will be shipped on December 1 lol what a mess
  9. how many hours left until she announce the dates??
  10. i thought its for the whole world tour?
  11. people who still trying to make fat shaming jokes about lana are so pathetic and they're the same ppl who will cry all night long when someone call them fat.. lol grow up little kids
  12. She will sell the CA sweatshirt when all of the white stuff sold out That’s what she said Although, you have to do it befor Wednesday (for the code)
  13. just purchased and yes, i'm officially broke.. damn
  14. ok but where’s the knit shirt And check the comments on her last post Some fans said they got scammed by fake shop link! It’s been shared by @lanadelnews https://instagram.com/p/BZXOUrxnKuT/ I don’t know but I felt like I should share it cuz it’s kinds scary:/
  15. that bitch who wants to take all my money didnt she say the red sweater will be available on Monday????
  16. didn't she say the red shirt will be on the store today?
  17. could you please tell me -exactly- what did you do? so i can do the same thank you so so so much!!!
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