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Posts posted by Belladonna

  1. I hope these photos don't make some of you really want to purge and starve yourselves. Be healthy. Purging and starving yourself isn't healthy. A healthy balance of protein, veggies with some fruit and grains and dairy (for those who can have it) are a great way to get to a healthy weight. It takes time to create that habit, so don't be upset if you don't get the results you want. Trust me, I've been there. Seeing photos of people with "ideal" bodies can make you feel less than, and unfortunately that may make you take drastic changes to your diet. Those people most likely had to work on their diets for months, which is probably what Lana has been doing. Sorry for the unasked advice, but I just want to make sure no one does anything harmful to themselves cause I care 4 y'all  :heart:

    I've been there. Thank you for that. Eating disorders happen a lot, and It's not talked about enough.

  2. I'm really happy with this interview. Thank you for translating.

    She mentioned some of my favorite artists including Artic Monkeys, The Last Shadow Puppets, Father John Misty. You all should give them a listen especially The Last Shadow Puppets.

  3. Wait... so the album isn't coming till July 21st? That's 9 weeks away  :toofunny: Has anyone actually read tha magazine where they said that or are we just going off of that one tweet where someone said they said it was coming July 21st. I hope this isn't true, I've been waiting, we've all been waiting since February  :( I know it's not that long but it'll feel like eternity. I'm literally gonna spend every day of the summer waiting for the album.


    It was in the magazine.

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