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Posts posted by Rafael

  1. I like Kylie! Can we just take brief moment to appreciate "Slow" and "In Your Eyes"? "In Your Eyes" has this euphoric tune and I just love the uuuuOOOOOOuuuuOOOOH part of that song. "Slow" is like porn tbh, I wanna make love to it.

    And yes; the video for "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" is still iconic  :kim:


    Oh, and I also like her recent work! Well it may not be too recent now, but a while back ago iTunes had this 12 days of christmas giveaway where they basically gave away one song/movie/app for free for 24 hours a day. Anyway, one day they gave away the album EP that was titled "A Christmas Gift" and it contained the songs "Aphrodite", "Santa Baby" and "Can't Beat This Feeling". I enjoyed them all! 

  2. i have a wii and i only rly play mario kart and i haven't even done that in ages


    We should have a LanaBoards Mario Kart Wii Tournament!


    i have gold trophies in all of the cups tho **slow hairflip**


    Same  :usrs:


    do any of u have older consoles and would u recommend them?


    I have my very precious gemstone Nintendo 64 that I got for christmas when I was like 7 (I think?) and sometimes I occasionally decide to play some "Ocarina of Time", "Pokémon Snap" or "Pokémon Stadium" on it. I do however recommend it because it had many Mario games (such as: "Super Mario 64", "Paper Mario", "Mario Kart 64", "Mario Golf", "Mario Tennis", "Mario Party 1/2/3" and "Super Smash Bros.")


    I only have "Super Mario 64" and I haven't regret buying it for a second and it's been 13 years now :)  



    Nintendo 64 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




  3. YASS. This will be great (even though I don't have the money for a Wii U atm)  :icant:


    Also, the Villager memes on tumblr are hilarious:




    He’s been there this whole time




    l e a r n i n g

























  4. It's not Mirror's Edge 2 though, it's a prequel. The problem is that we probably won't have it anytime soon, DICE have to develop one Battlefield per year and the new Star Wars :( but well it's better than never i guess. I hope people will actually buy it this time :crossed:


    I couldn't care any less about the Battlefield and Star Wars games. All I want is ME  :icant:

  5. i hate when ppl try to brag about their apple shit. it's just a fucking phone/laptop, nothing to brag about.


    This. Also, something that bugs me a lot is when people say you're spoiled or rich just because you own a Macbook. I agree that their prices are somewhat arguable, but there are still plenty other cheap ways to buy one. I bought my current MacBook Pro for like 1/3 of the original price. Like, does that make me a brat?  :uh:


    Idk, their stuff has always just seemed easier for me to use than anything else. Give me a standard MP3 player or laptop and idk how to work it, but Apple stuff just makes sense to me.




    I think that one out of many reasons many people decide to go with Apple is because of their friendly user interference. The interaction between the human itself and the software is so simple and effortless. I remember the very first time I tried out a Mac, just glancing all mesmerized at how easy everything just was designed and organized. I might also have minimized Safari windows back and forth like 34697103 times just because I found the "Genie in a bottle"- effect so damn funny  :cuteface:

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