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Posts posted by Rafael

  1. Oh, Evanescence we meet again. I remember their music so vividly during my years growing up. Remember:



    and all those years I fought with myself whether or not Amy was singing "I dive again" or "I'm dying again":



    and who can forget:



    However, my personal favorite was, will and always will be:




  2. fyi, that's not Charli :P the interludes in the mixtapes are all sound bytes from movies. That part is a scene from The Craft. Fairuza Balk is the one screaming "Oh he's sorry!"


    My life is a lie  :toofunny:

    Thanks for clarifying that tho! It's still amazing  :whatever:


    I even found the clip for that:



  3. Something else I'm really curious about is her relationship with her mother. I mean, is she even alive? I honestly have no idea. She never talks about her, I've never seen her in any family photos (I think?)... What's up with that? Can one of the Lana experts enlighten me a little bit about this? I think that could help understand so much about Lana, especially the daddy issues + preference for older / protective / dominant men... (I think I've read one too many psychology books. :ohno:)


    Well unless "My Momma" is aimed towards someone else :derpna:, it's pretty clear how she (used to) feel about her: "Me and my momma, we don't get along"


    Here's a photo of her with suga daddy 



  4. Daily CharliBoards Topic


    ~ Favorite Charli musical moment ~



    Mine's gotta be from "Heartbreaks and Earthquakes" at ~8:20 when the boy says "I'm sorry" in which Charli responds "He's sorry, Oh he's sorry! HE'S SORRY, HE'S SORRY?!?!?!". Like total explosion of outburst, love it! (Not to mention that So Far Away starts playing right afterwards. Truly the climax of the mixtape tbh)  :P

  5. She should've released Lies or Starring Role as singles, I'm sure they would've done really well - at least better than Power & Control


    at least better than Power & Control


    at least better than Power & Control


    at least better than Power & Control




    :stareney:                                                 :stareney:

    :stareney: :stareney:                                 :stareney:

    :stareney:                 :stareney:                 :stareney:

    :stareney:                                 :stareney: :stareney:

    :stareney:                                                 :stareney:



    :stareney: :stareney: :stareney: :stareney: :stareney:

    :stareney:                                                  :stareney:

    :stareney:                                                  :stareney:

    :stareney:                                                  :stareney:

    :stareney: :stareney: :stareney: :stareney: :stareney:





  6. Had to quote it twice because it made me lol. Very true though, hahaha. She has no idea who Sky or Marina is, I'm sure. Maybe Lana, maybe Lana...


    My guessing is that Gaga is indeed aware of Lana's existence by now. Not because of all her prominent work she's done recently, but because of Bob Leone.

  7. Thought I'd give it a try. I'd say my aesthetic and designs are often quite simple and clean. I strive to be as minimalistic as I can be. I'm also a sucker for black and white covers  :defeated:


    Black Beauty





    Million Dollar Man [Gatsby Fan Poster]







    Ultraviolence Cover







    Hope you like them!   :party:

  8. This is officially the best "unreleased" song I've EVER heard. Stuck on repeat all day long :slay:


    OnT: I also hear "One day my hoops will be made of diamonds". I dunno, it just makes more sense. Why would her hoops only be made of diamonds on mondays? Going somewhere? :mj: ["GoGo Dancer" starts playing in the background]  :hoe:


    Also, the "[sun will rise/ ? horizon] I'm a supernova" part is really hard for me to hear. It switches between "Sun will rise/Summarize/Samurais, I'm a supernova"  :eek:



    Has Charli affected your attitude in any way? Like is there something you do differently because you think it's how she would do it. Or do you say something you've heard her say in an interview? Etc..



    I often pretend I'm a cloud  :makeup:

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