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Posts posted by Rafael

  1. I finally convinced myself to start reading "The Alchemist" and I'm so glad I did. I needed to read something as refreshing as this book. It's so beautifully written in every way possible. I actually felt like I learned something whilst turning every page I read. It also really made me pause for brief moments just to reflect on what was going on at some points. Here's one of my favorite quotes from the book:


    When someone sees the same people every day, as had happened with him at the seminary, the wind up becoming a part of that person’s life. And then they want the person to change. If someone isn’t what other want them to be, the other become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.


    I really recommend you all to read it! :party:

  2. Well it was made to introduce the characters of the future season 2 (I think?) so they can get us hyped about it. But yeah... it's very short and we don't really have the time to get attached to all those new characters imo. Which is a shame because that's the main reason why the season one was so good, the deep characters & their well developed/written stories.


    Finally ordered The Last of Us (and the new God of War for 5$ more) can't wait to play it! :excited:

    I'm still not sold when it comes to playing Zombie games, but I saw a playthrough of "The Last of Us" and I regret not buying a PS3 for the sole purpose of playing that game :defeated:

  3. Just for her unreleased tracks? Like Lana you guys will help me with years please


    Also in the OP we sould link in the table the post were you find the lyrics of the songs :D

    That would be great! I vote for unreleased only since most people seem to know the fundementals anyway, but who am I to judge. Heck, I'd like an entire catalogue if possible. I'm not at home atm so personally I won't be able to help out. But I will as soon as I get back! This will be so awesome :D

  4. Here are the comands to do it :D




    I Don’t Know Your Name4:072012320kbps[/table]


    [table][tr][th]Song[/th][th]Lenght[/th][th]Year[/th][th]KBPS[/th][/tr][tr][td]I Don’t Know Your Name[/td][td]4:07[/td][td]2012[/td][td]320kbps[/td][/tr][/table]
    just copy and paste the lines to add songs :D If you guys want, I can make it :D


  5. Guess the song basically. Person A posts a song with pictures and Person B guesses it and posts another one. For example:






    = Backfire. geddit? :creep:



    Doesn't necessarily only have to be Lana songs. Feel free to mix it up a little. Ok? Here goes:









  6. UNDERRATED: YOU (HA HA HA) - IDK why this isn't talked about alot. It shits all over most of TR + the video is better than all her others. SO FAR AWAY - I will NEVER understand all the hate for this. It's my second fave on TR (after YOU). The chorus is prgasmic :crying:

    Answer: Correct


    I've been listening a lot to the H&E mixtape and "So Far Away" has easily become my all time favorite track by Charli. It's so amazing! I prefer the H&E one over the one on TR, but only because of some background tunes. I still love both versions 2 death. What was the topic again? Right. It's underrated af and shan't be overlooked :emma:

  7. Also, just a heads up here. If you want to make some extra cash, listen up, i’m feeling philanthropic. I will be giving out $100 to each and every forum member who, upon this video being released in its final form, refrains from making a post about how:


    -The video is flawless.

    -The video is epic. 

    -The video is the most (anything) you’ve ever seen in your entire life. 

    -You are dying.

    -You are are crying. 

    -You can’t breathe. 

    -You have been slayed.

    -You need someone to hold you. 

    -Lana looks flawless.

    -Lana looks perfect.

    -Lana looks fat. 

    -Lana needs to lose weight.

    -Lana needs to tone her abs. 

    -Stripping represents the loss of innocence.


    Not yet you guys :hdu:

  8. Summoning @@Harlem :creep:


    I have my K-POP days where I blast some 2NE1 and BIGBANG tunes on my computer. "I Don't Care", "I Am The Best" and "Be Mine" are so good. As far as BIGBANG goes "Blue" is a masterpiece :crying:

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