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Posts posted by Rafael

  1. "The Mother We Share" is just amazing. I spent this entire friday walking along with the music having a mental music video shoot in my head. Stuck on repeat  :creep:


    "Gun", "Lies" and "Recover" are also good. Really loving what I hear so far!  :)

  2. O my god O my god ami I the only one who totally fell in love with ARTPOP?



    I just cant :defeated:

    100% agree. It was not what I expected at all (in a really really good way) and I'm so overwhelmed and astonished by it. It truly was the most emotional performance that day for me. Almost bursting into tears, doing the Abramovic exercises, the magic floral backdrop and her look. I don't usually get 'slayed' by live performances... But this... This was an exception :defeated:

  3. Do you really think that "Sex Dreams" is a controversial title? To be perfectly honest, when she revealed the title this was my exact reaction. I mean, seriously? Sex. Dreams. What made her think of a song title this pseudo-provocative, trashy, uninspired and c[h]orny? 


    I don't! Hence me saying "'controversial'". Notice the apostrophes :mj2:

    I'm just saying it's probably gonna get looked down upon by a certain amount of conservative retards. Like whenever they see or hear anything 'sexistic' they start opening their mouth (that came out wrong, idgaf). I can see it now... "*Grandpa voice* Kids today, with the loose sexism... Back in my days.... etc." :troll:

  4. I remember they used to blurt out "Russian roulette" in "Poker Face"!

    :wat: :wat: :wat:






    And hell yes~ Telephone 2.0 will be crayyyy. You think they'll replace Beyoncé with Azealia? :lel:

  5. I want "Aura" :noparty: But "Sex Dreams" was winning by like 5,000+ last I checked so I'm pretty excited for that :excited: Hopefully the title isn't too controversial for radio because I really think it's inevitably the second single.

    I really hope it wins! I wouldn't mind "Aura" being a single as well, but "Sex Dreams" is my ultimate dance jam. I bet "Aura" would be an epic video. Heck, all her tracks thus far would be amazing videos. Sure it's a 'controversial' song title, but I mean we've already survived Marina's "Sex Yeah" and Sky's "Sex Rules". I thought we surpassed the sex taboo stage in society by now. I mean who's complaining at this point? :wtf:

  6. Cool, I found one on eBay for 99p that comes with games + cases etc so I'm just going to hope it doesn't get too many bids and I should get it  :party:

    Although now I'm also watching a Gameboy (original), GB Color, and a Gamecube, Man, I'm gonna be broke but the thing is, it's cheaper to buy a console with a bundle of games than buying one used game cartridge individually :toofloppy:  


    I really hope you win!  :party:

    I know!!!  :biblio:

  7. What do you guys think of the Wii U? I haven't played on one yet and I'm thinking of getting one but I'm not sure if it's worth it  :eek:

    Also, can anyone tell me if Gameboy Advance SPs are better than original GBAs? Because after years of regretting selling my beloved GBA and GB Color I really want to get one again, I never realized how cheap they were on eBay so I think it's worth it. I kinda want to try out an SP because they were the later edition but I still think GBAs seem better, what with the larger screen and all that.

    Then again, I might get one of each because my little sister loves them too and she's quite easy to manipulate into spending money on things I want  :cuteface:


    I get so nostalgic playing on old video games tho, I'm such a creep. My mum and grandad used to be console nerds and collected them all but only kept a few to this day  :poordat:


    I had a blue Gameboy Advance SP. I kinda broke it and now there's a big black chunk of nothing at the screen so I can't see 70% of what I'm playing  :poordat:

    I have some really fond memories with it though! You might not know this, but if you decide to play GBC games on it you can actually switch between the resolution on the sides! It was a really cool effect depending on what game you played. So you wouldn't wanna have to worry about the screen :)

  8. I doubt he's left them. He just wants to spend some time with Lana, I mean they're looking for a house, that takes some time. And he's being productive while being there. Kassidy will have to move to L.A. eventually imo. They can't really expect Barrie to fly back and forth, Lana & Barrie did that for a long time and now they want to ~settle down together. I thought she was going to move to England though because she seemed to like it there and spend tons of time there and it's closer to Barrie and her relationship with America is still so strained. 




    Or did Lana Yoko Kassidy....



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