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Miss Honeydew

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Posts posted by Miss Honeydew

  1. Really enjoying the new album. As soon as they released the title Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino I was hooked tbh 


    As they announced it, I was under the impression it would have some similar aesthetic to Lana's OTTR. I correlated it because of the betting/hotel references. 

    But I was pleasantly surprised to find that it had a lounge/easy listening vibe; with a bunch of space/sci fi elements. (invokes early days LfL/Love MV imo)


    Liked the MV for 4/5, as well. Had an escapist/dreamy quality to it. 


    Favorite tracks are: Star Treatment, 4/5, The Ultracheese, and American Sports  :party:

  2. love love love the new track

    the music video is phenomenal. the trippy cityscape and the lights oh MY WIG IS ON THE CEILING


    reminded me of late 90s-early 00s music videos with those futuristic vibes

    i'm ready to stan this era if the other tracks are like this as well  :defeated:

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