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Miss Honeydew

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Posts posted by Miss Honeydew

  1. Okay, here comes my very late extensive view on one of Lana's album. Did one for Honeymoon if you're interested. Next will be Born to Die.. soon.


    Ultraviolence. That was the title of her upcoming record. And when I read it I was perplexed. I heard of it before and couldn't place it. Turns out it was a word used in the Burgess novel, A Clockwork Orange. Which I found to be an interesting nod. Especially for Lana. I knew she had a fondness of using old pop culture references, so a nod to this piece definitely peaked my fascination. My interpretation of the album is that Lana embarks on secret affairs with different men. How it makes her who she is, how she loves the secretive nature. The inevitable doom of being caught, and in the end, living her life alone. How the men involved are often broken or jaded in their own lives, hence their troubled nature. How sleeping with the right kind of man can give money, power, glory. And deep down, feeling sad over these actions.


    West Coast was the first single to be released. With Lana on the beach gazing out in a yellow haze. So was the cover art. When I first heard it and didn't understand it. What was it was trying to be? At first it went hard, and then there was that shift in tempo in the middle. It took me a while to get into, though I wasn't against it. It was apparent from the first listen that this album was going to be miles away from what Born to Die and Paradise were. With a soft, psychedelic rock touch. I was very open to what the next tracks had in store. 


    Shades of Cool. Just wow. When that hit, just the first few licks into the guitar and I was sold. From the soaring ethereal vocals of the chorus, to the guitar breakdown in the bridge. The song kept on delivering. Sensual, provocative, but also fragile and personal. When the music video hit, I was so shook I still haven't recovered. It's by far my favorite music video of hers. Playing a dead lover who haunts her daddy, played by Mark Mahoney. Absolutely otherwordly material. Lana in the sky with bullets and rockets. Seeing her all around as a spirit is just moving. Once the MV came out, it gave the song a whole other level of complexity. But also, seeing now, I can relate to some of the lyrics and it resonates ever so much.


    Brooklyn Baby was the next single to be released, and from that moment, I knew that this record was onto something great. I adored the lyrics, they say I'm too young to love you / they say I'm too dumb to sing / They judge me like a picture book / by the colors, like they forgot to read. When I first heard the pre-chorus, it felt unreal. Like a dream. The way she sang it, I didn't think that was possible. As if it was recorded in a studio booth in heaven. Albeit I don't hear it that way anymore, I still remember the charm it had. It was sad to read that supposedly Lou Reed was going to make a guest appearance-- but it was a nice callback to reference him in the chorus. Long live Brooklyn Baby. A satirical gem. 


    There is something so simple and elegant from the album cover. Black and white, getting out of her car. If there isn't no car, it's no Lana cover. I love this cover art, which if I'm correct, the picture of her smoking was inspiration for the original cover but was rejected (?). Such a shame. But the alternate is equally fine. The UO deluxe cover is beautiful, albeit I don't understand it. What can I say, I just love red nail polish. 


    Fucked My Way Up to the Top is something I cannot get used to. The track is a little too in-your-face, trying to make a statement. I can't take the lyrics seriously. But I do love the dainty, Lay me down tonight / in my linen and curls. The words echoed in the title track of Ultraviolence. 


    How I wish the Ultraviolence music video was in slightly higher quality and made with a different filter. Lana as a bride, eating oranges and deep throating fingers. That was hot an interesting touch. But damn it. The Freak video suited so much better, as seen from various fan edits. Another shame that it was rejected, for being controversial. It simply looks odd if you know the video was intended for Ultraviolence. All I can think is Lana and the girls listening to Ultraviolence while Freak plays over it. 


    The Other Woman, a splendid end to a rich story. A song, originally by Nina Simone, that sums up all her feelings over course of the album. I'm in the minority, but I do love this interpretation of the track. 


    TL;DR. Overall, I love Ultraviolence. It's gritty, unpolished, but has beautiful and epic moments. And that sums up, my favorite album of Lana's. After all these years, it still sounds so good. And I'm pretty sure this is the one album that will stand the test of time. I'm sure I'll still be playing this down the line.  :illumilana2:


    And let's not forget the album trailer. Iconic. 

  2. Thank you @Lona Delery for translating. 


    I love the trust no one tattoo but I can understand if she doesn't identify with it anymore. But still.. it's iconic  :toofunny:


    All this Yosemite talk makes me think it's gonna send my wig into a different dimension. The vulnerability of her higher range is beautiful. I think it's reminiscent of Sirens. 


    Oh, and I'd love to meet Elon Music too.  :smile3:

  3. Love, love LIGHTS. Have been a fan since 2010. I was fortunate enough to see her in concert in 2012. Was blown away by her vocals! They are so much more powerful than what you hear in her studio tracks. I'm glad that she's finally showing her vocal range more. I also saw her after the concert, and she is the most sweetest, down-to-earth person.  


    My favorite album is Siberia. 


    My favorite songs are: Lions! | Cactus in the Valley | Frame and Focus | Everybody Breaks a Glass | Oil and Water | From All Sides

  4. So is this Summer Bummer actually a real song? Maybe it's just called Daisy Chains after all? or something else lol

    And that picture of her with the Cherry.. Maybe it was just a promo shot and someone ran with it?



    IDK, it's just a theory..


    Because I feel like she would've acknowledged its existence by now, since everyone is talking / hyped about it

    especially with its presumed release date being June 29th.

  5. We know that Lana has an eclectic taste when it comes to her outfits, on and off stage.

    I love gathering inspiration from street style, so my question to everyone is,


    What's your favorite casual outfit you've seen Lana in?


    This could be a candid, street style. But if you have another outfit you think she rocked elsewhere, feel free to share! 





    My favorite casual outfit she's worn is this one. (I'm not sure when this was taken)







  6. Just woke up to one. Lana finally released Lust for Life, but it was a complete different aesthetic to the irl one. 

    The album cover was drenched in a red hue and Lana was sitting on the edge of a rooftop. On the deluxe edition, she was flying on a broomstick in the sky  :toofunny:


    I was invited to a private concert (with several others). And she gave us the track list. But I can't for the life of me think of them all. 

    The only one I remembered was ''New York Accent''  :lmao:


    Although what did stay the same was that this album also had a few features. And the only one I remembered was, she had a song with jazz musician Gregory Porter (random lol)

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