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Posts posted by Hanna

  1. @Beautiful People is there any way you could make all these LFL posters into covers? I really love the style and I don't want to just crop them. :toofunny: And I hope there'll be one for BAR too. <3

    sure (: message me on instagram and we can talk more about it. and yes there'll be one for best american record

  2. incredible. showstopping. never the same.



    however i feel like the bg is a bit more colonial than rustic, like the initial stages of a new england colony than a cabin or meadow or rainy city, i still fucking love this tho

    omg thanks legend <3 i know what you mean. i literally fucked around with different concepts for this for like 7 hours because i wanted to incorporate sean but there are like no pictures of him that lend themselves to be edited in the way i would need to for this kind of poster. imo it doesnt really reflect the song that well but im still happy with it (:

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