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Posts posted by Flowerbomb

  1. Yeah I very rarely meet anyone who's even heard of her sadly! And gosh, it would be an absolute surreal experience to hear that collab.... never gonna happen, but we can dream right?  :crying4:

    True lol. I'm gonna think about making a mash-up video of their voices together in one song..ill send you think link if I ever finish it :P

  2. Holy cr*p I never thought I'd see the day I'd find another KatieJane Garside fan on Lanaboards!!

    I adore her, and all her various musical projects so much but she's vanished off the face of the earth these days  :crai:

    Yes! She's very underrated. She has a lovely husky voice and I think it'd go well with Lana's if they collab <3

  3. People I want Lana to collab with:


    Barrie James O'Neill - I know, it's a long shot but Summer Wine and Riverside are gems <3


    Courtney Love - Want this one so bad although their voices might clash quite a bit.


    Marilyn Manson - Same reason as CL collab but would be everything.


    Axl Rose - Axl needs some exposure these days tbh (lol). It would be awesome af.


    Hope Sandoval - Similar voice to Lana, I'd love to hear a collab.


    Queen Adreena (Katie Jane Garside) - She isn't well known so it probably won't happen but I can always dream.


    Bob Dylan - The ULTIMATE collab.


    Kaleida - Same kinda vibe as Lana I guess.


    Stevie Nicks





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