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Posts posted by lauradelxx

  1. I am obsessed with the NBHD. I love every song...there's literally not one song that I don't like. My favorites are female robbery, staying up, and afraid. So excited for the new album I heard Silver and it sounds amazing so far. PLUS IM SEEING THEM MAY 20TH IN CENTRAL PARK SO THERE'S THAT.

  2. "In the land of gods and monsters I was an angel looking to get fucked hard"


    Lana sings this lyric to give us an insight look of her new porno. It's nothing special just her and two males one dressed as god and one dressed up like perez hilton.

  3. I'm not really scared I wanna know kind of what it's going to be like. I've been in a pit before but tbh I wanna know what type of shoes to wear lol bc I wanna know if someone's gonna get step on my feet should I wear wedges or sandals or shoes or is it going to be hot should  I bother actually looking nice or am I going to get covered in sweat I'm sorry but I've never been to a Lana concert also I want to know if there's a routine on how to meet her after/before the concert. Need some tips :heart:

  4. (don't know if anyone wrote about West Coast already too lazy too look through alllll of this thread  :shh2: but)


    Down on the West Coast, I get this feeling, like It all could happen, that's why I'm leaving you for the moment, you for the moment, boy blue, yeah, you"


    (I thought of Kill Kill when I heard this line because "do you know I am going to leave you?")


    "I can see my baby swinging, his Parliament's on fire and his hands are up"


    (I saw this as a reference as abuse. Swinging could be a metaphor for falling in love the "his hands are up" changed it for me)


    "I can see my sweet boy swinging"


    (This is really sad to me because imo when someone is getting abused its upsetting because they used to know this sweet person and he's changed)


    "I'm in love, I'm in love,"


    (She still loves him, loves the way he "hit me and it felt like a kiss")



    and yes I could be wrong but I know this song is about the West Coast vibe and how she loves it there but there's always some reference to something imo. idk I thought of this. :whatever:

  5. i'm glad other ppl lose stuff in their own room. that makes me feel like the state i keep my room in is normal


    being in college for 4 years fucked my brain up so much that yes I lose stuff in my own room. I'm a goddamn mess. my room isn't even my room anymore it's more of a storage room considering there's no bed in it.

  6. I'm pretty sure someone had that url lol It's impossible that no one would have taken in unless her label got it a long time ago. If some random person had it, which I'm sure they did, I'm quite curious about how her management got it back.

    Idek but I remember someone having that URL cause I wanted it before lol

  7. This thread is helpful it's my first time going to a lana show too except its in philly I thought I had 3rd row seats bc that's what it said but it's standing and open call idek should I show up there hours early because it starts at 8 and I'm going with 3 people in a city I've never been to before

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