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Posts posted by Foolish

  1. The dragging here  :facepalm:    You think we dont know her music is shallow ? It might be shallow, but also fun, carefree and easy to listen. Life is not that hard always and her music is created for these light moments of your days. 

  2. Alright, since American is the only "clear winner" here. I'll eliminate just that song.


    American (12 votes) has been eliminated.


    Next round you'll be required to ONLY CHOOSE ONE song! During the Final Round, everything will be as usual.

    Trying to keep Cola alive as long as possible 



    Lol I don't wanna go just reminds me of this award show red carpet where lana was lingering / posing in front of cameras as barrie stood to the side and again when she was talking to press and he pulled her away. she is such a little ham and enjoys being adored/the attn that comes w/ fame and he is just so the antithesis of that, I think





    [shes so cute in this video lol]

    He has just typical attitude of any "underground" musician who gives a fk about any awards (until they get nominated themselves lmao)

  4. I don't mean that money doesn't make you happy, of course that isn't true but she's been saying that she's a lot happier now since she released Born to Die and I don't personally know her so I'm just going to have to believe her. I hope she doesn't keep writing about the darkness of her past, she's been singing about the past for so many years now, I hope she talks about the Born to Die era, her experience with fame and maybe backlash but more songs about Mike, Jimmy and K would just be boring. Black Beauty and AFFA were nice and sounded like a natural progression from Born to Die and Paradise but it was still very much in the same vein, and possibly a little too similar to that.

    Im sure she is aware of the fact she cant keep singing about this cliche matter again. Most of these songs were pretty superficial tbh, some people just dont realize it over that cinematic production.  I wouldnt mind dark songs in the vein of Nirvana tho. Rape me is one of the songs which fits the description: so dark as almost unlistenable.

  5. I honestly don't like Lana and Rob hyping the album up and I'm trying to ignore what they're saying so I'm not disappointed when I hear it. Because really, what's so dark it's almost unlistenable? Maybe super experimental industrial rock with screamed lyrics about child molestation or some shit. Lana's already sung about sex, death, suicide, violence and Lolita stuff and to some extent domestic violence but how much can she really write about it? I mean it's not like her life is riddled with darkness, she lives in a big house in L.A., goes to Starbucks every morning and sometimes drives to the beach with Barrie.

    It depends. Many people claimed that Born to Die (especially the song) is too depressive and suicidal for them. If she goes even deeper this time...

    Material possesion wont make you happy. It doesnt mean you cant suffer from depression if you own loads of shits. Wealthy life comes with its own darkness. 

  6. It's so impressive what was done to Sochi, a whole new city was rebuilt. This immense project gave a lot of work to people and I think it's really nice to have huge projects like that to move forward. Putin can definitely be extremely pride of what he did and whether you accept it or not, Russia is blessed to have him as its president.

    Boycotting the games because of the anti gay laws is hypocritical, some federal states in the USA have the same laws. Truth is, Occident can't accept the success of Russia, its sovereignity and will do everything to ruin their progress.

    The money spent isn't for meaningless stuff, it's a real investment for the future with clear visions put into the project.

    I was already concerned when you posted those hot pictures of Stalin here.


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