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Posts posted by HunterSThompson

  1. 54 minutes ago, DCooper said:


    Sadly (and unfairly) QFTC ended the highs that came with NFR, and then the mesh mask and other controversies only furthered that, so by the time Chemtrails and the three singles came out, the press was afraid to write about Lana.

    I totally failed to consider QFTC (because I have erased that from my brain lol), so thanks for the correction. You're totally right on that point and I think that's way more accurate than how I said it. (However, I don't think the lack of press around her newer music projects are from fear, I think publications like Pitchfork are just kind of over it at this point, and partly for good reason. But I don't think they're really afraid to write about her at all.)

  2. I think there was such a post-NFR letdown from Chemtrails and those three singles that some publications like Pitchfork chose not to review/give much attention to Arcadia. There will always be media attention around Lana, but there seems to be a little less nowadays. I think a lot of music critics just don't care as much anymore. People who like her will always like her, and those don't probably won't start now. NFR kind of felt like a peak for her career: she was getting all of the media attention she got during that early BTD to Ultraviolence era but instead of it being confused or negative, it was largely positive. Chemtrails kind of broke that stride and I suspect BB will really end it. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Gothicula said:

    i don’t think they reviewed any singles ( in order to give them best new track) tho? idk i may be wrong idk how that site works JSJD

    I don't think they ever do this. Occasionally, if an artist surprise releases an album or releases w/o any singles, Pitchfork will award a Best New Track at the time of the album release (example: Solange's Almeda). But that's not a typical thing that happens. 

  4. I'm having a hard time ranking the songs because I'm having a hard time enjoying the album but:


    1. Arcadia
    2. Living Legend
    3. Thunder (very disappointed it's not the OG version)
    4. Nectar of the Gods
    5. Black Bathing Suit
    6. Dealer
    7. Textbook (would be higher, but that BLM line doesn't hit right...)
    8. Sweet Carolina
    9. Blue Banisters 
    10. If You Lie Down with Me
    11. Cherry Blossom
    12. Wildflower Wildfire
    13. Beautiful
    14. Violets for Roses
    15. The Trio


    Is anyone else not feeling the album? I feel so left out, although I'm really happy everyone seems to love it! 

  5. 1 minute ago, WhiteHot4ever said:
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    “You name your babe Lilac Heaven
    After your iPhone 11
    “Crypto forever” scrеams your stupid boyfriend
    Fuck you, Kevin“ I dunno 



    More lyrics:


    "We love every hair on your head"

    "Just know this is your song and we love you"

    "We love every freckle you have"


    Most of her family is on the track too. A lot of the album is about her family and friends. Just some context clues that led me to that guess. I could be wrong though!


    1 minute ago, Poor Stacy said:


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    Pretty sure it’s a song to Chuck, about her having her baby and how much Lana loves her. Except for the 2nd verse where she randomly and ruthlessly drags Chuck’s baby daddy.


    This is a highlight of the album to me. I don't know why. It just is!

  6. 6 minutes ago, honey dew said:

    Can someone thats not hysterical and high tell me is the album actually a new classic. Can you describe it in one sentence?


    Definitely wouldn't call it a classic, although I do like it. The best way I can describe it: It's a compilation album. While it doesn't fit within a strict definition of "compilation," it definitely feels like one (and she even calls it a compilation on her album announcement via Instagram). Because of this, it can feel disjointed at times. Regardless, she never really misses and even her weakest albums produce strong tracks. 


    Edit: No one come for me; I never said it was a bad album. I like the album! :oprah3:

  7. 58 minutes ago, Elle said:

    Okay, so I've been listening to the album today and I just have to say.. I'm underwhelmed. I sort of expected this based on what critics & users here were saying, but it's just kind of sad considering this was 4 years in the making. That's not to say it's a bad album per se, it just doesn't live up to her past two works. I think because we all had high expectations based on her previous two albums, both of which were stellar, that's probably why this album falls short in comparison. I'm not sure that I'd give any song on this album anything beyond an 8/10 or even a 7. I've only listened to the album 5 times through, and I think my favourite track is California. I'll give it a few more listens over the next few days before I come back with full thoughts to see if it begins to grow on me, but for right now, I'm just a tad disappointed. This record lacked a true "Wow" moment for me, and that seems to be the case for others as well x

    Listen to the bonus tracks! Hold No Grudge sounds like a blend of this record + Melodrama and Helen of Troy has a nice melody! They made me like Solar Power a little bit more

  8. A pretty disappointing listen. You can hear what she was trying to do, but it somehow ends up feeling both directionless and contrived. Nothing felt inspired, clever or surprising, which I normally associate with Lorde albums. 



    Smaller thoughts/hot takes/etc.: The bonus tracks should have been on the album! Big Star is a sweet song about her dog and I don't understand the hate for it! Secrets From a Girl had so much potential and she blew it (WHAT WAS THAT OUTRO?)! No one told me Lorde is allegedly dating an older man (also the song about him is..... so lukewarm)! Dominoes sounds so Taylor Swift and that's neither a compliment nor a diss, just a thought! How did it take her so long to release something so bland! 


    I hate to pile on but I feel so disillusioned by her artistry now. Regardless, I'm looking forward to LP4 :creep: Let's hope for a comeback girls


  9. I was really excited for The Path but it let me down a little! The mid song tone switch was abrupt and the fade out felt like they cut the song a minute before it was supposed to end?! I was really looking forward to this song :( maybe it's a grower

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