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Posts posted by loleetah

  1. Lunchbox Friends is infinitely darker now that I know the lyrics to the song (come to my house let's die together, friendship that would last forever). Never imagined Melanie would sing a song that sounds like a suicide pact set to music.


    It's "lets cry together", not die

    Melanie posted those lyrics on an unrelated to the album IG post over a year ago 

  2. I live in NYC but i didn't go to whatever event she had in central park today. Do we have a full song yet or just the snippet? It was unclear if going to that spot meant you just got the same snippet she posted or if you really got a "first listen"

  3. I'll be so disappointed if she makes a straight version smh. But since she didn't in Chelsea Hotel I don't see why she would here


    If this is really impacting radio, and Lana is straight, then I'd say its probably pretty likely she'd change them, I guess we'll have to wait and see

    Idk if Mario Kart is what I mean...but it sounds like video game tune in the very first part lol


    I think it sounds kind of like Without Me by Halsey..which sounds like God is A Woman by Ariana

  4. Fucking fuck I just found out she's coming to NYC and both of the nights are sold out  :defeated:  I'm so fucking mad this happened to me on her first tour too

  5. I'm having trouble separating "old" Lana from "new" Lana and thats why this era is so jarring to me. BTD-UV Lana was a person/musician i just felt so connected to and inspired by and the taste level was so...sophisticated? idk how to describe it. Like the literary references, serious subject matter, they were all done so excellently and none of it was tacky at all...I can't say that about LFL/NFR

  6. Still replaying this nonstop, it gets more beautiful with every listen. This type of song is what i wanted Honeymoon to sound like  :oopna:

    The "they wanna see us apart, they wanna see us alone" pre-chorus is so beautiful

  7. WOWOWOWOWOWWWWWW ITS SO FUCKING GOOD. it's beautiful like i'm floored omg this is more than I could ever want from her as a debut. I missed her so much.

  8. Ok but going to church regularly does not make someone a bible thumper?? She's always talked about God and her relationship with religion and always had religious imagery in her work, just look at Tropico. So idk why people are surprised she's been going to church. 


    She seems a lot less interested in tapping into the dark side of things that inspire her as she's grown older. her darkest music is some of her best and I don't think we'll get anything close to those levels again as long as Lana is staying away from those topics  :pft:

  9. Who?


    miss billie eyelash is the new edgy teen sensation, anyone who would be a Melanie stan if she had been releasing music steadily since CBB has become a billie fan instead. 

  10. Ugh this thread makes me feel so relieved that I got to see her during Paradise and ES tours. I saw LATTM too and while it was cute I miss how expressive and emotional her performing used to be. Her vocals still sound good but they're so much less passionate. I was so happy to be there but it did feel like she was phoning it in. I also hated the setlist....if she tours for NFR, I hope she really rethinks her show format

  11. Do you think Lana will ever do a song about death?


    Was just thinking what type of songs I would like to hear from her and she has a good variety of types of song but there is no real uplifting/emotional/sad song about death. A lot of artist have songs on the subject either ones about themselves possibly dying or ones about someone who has died or remembrance of people, those types of songs people say "play this at my funeral" and she could probably do a great one.


    Dark Paradise says hello??

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