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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. There was some serious delusion and narcissism with that particular individual... anyway I wonder when the next single is coming.
  2. Why am I an Iggy Stan, I literally joined last month? Because I have a username similar to someone? Wow that was a mess
  3. The arguments in here are so... I don't even know
  4. but a few pages ago... what is the truth but same though lol
  5. i want some more epic vocals such as heart-shaped box live
  6. She kinda does need to step up her live shows. I like when she would put more effort into her vocals, like when she used to perform Million Dollar Man and Body Electric in 2012. Don't get me wrong, I would still die if I got to go to one of her shows since i haven't yet lol
  7. She has sang it live the way it was on the album pretty well though (in late 2011 i think)? But I totally agree, she needs to sing it more high-pitched because it sounds way better. Maybe she's shy or something
  8. Wasn't there an announcement about how Coachella wouldn't be on the album? I hope that's true. I can't wait to hear so many new songs, omfg...
  9. This. At the end of the day, as much as people may love Lana, it's her music and she will release it how she wants to. That is her right. Acting like this album is life or death is really unhealthy and I'm afraid it's going to turn Lana off from her fans.
  10. What the hell... I get people being upset about the album being delayed but what's with all the complaining on Ben's instagram.
  11. There may be more horse pictures on Friday if there's no album. This place gets scary when there's no news
  12. We need a psychic up in here to give us all the info
  13. Lol I mean why be mad at him? It's all part of Lana's divine plan. Like we all said, it's a cover-up. It's pretty funny tbh
  14. either way, this friday should be interesting...
  15. i know right? i'm just confused as to why two people being in a video together doing PG levels of touching is considered a threat to selena lmfao
  16. this is a great idea (releasing the video on that date). i'm going to be sad if this doesn't happen lol
  17. GOD I hope Cherry sounds just as good as it did at the show last night.
  18. it honestly shocked me when i heard it. it's so damn beautiful.
  19. tbh i hate to say it but i think the release date is going to be in july. i mean it seems like too big of a mistake for a magazine to make in an interview with a particular artist with an album coming out. idfk why the release is so far away but oh well. i really hope i'm wrong.
  20. i hope the lady from target wasn't bs-ing lmao
  21. i'm in denial about this new july date lmao i was all ready for this new album to save my summer
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