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Deleted User

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Posts posted by Deleted User

  1. Same

    @wraith upload everything and hit me up with a link



    okay girls i'm on it



    Really appreciated. This girl's generic name makes it IMPOSSIBLE to hunt down her stuff. And she's not even on spoti I think

  2. I still haven't listened to any of the new live songs, just waiting on studio versions.


    SAME. I feel like I'll get too spoiled and accustomed to the live songs and when they come out I'll won't be listening to them anymore

  3. I think I made a thread some year ago but people just don't bring them up a lot.

    I LOVE them.


    I remember I used to be a real big fan and dig their Bureau/Daggers stuff. I wonder if anything else surfaced online

  4. Does ANYBODY have a link to a megapost or something? I really like this girl but her stuff in the highest quality is so hard to gather.

  5. Personally I don't get the criticism of it being "weirder" than HT since the first 5 tracks and Romantic Comedy are easily more "accessible" than the majority of her last album IMO. With that being said, the last two songs are a bit too experimental just for the sake of being so, but on the whole I prefer it to HT. 

    What I can't get over though is her doing a proper photoshoot after revealing the cover art - these could have easily made better covers:





    wow that last one is gorgeous

  6. Got the vinyl yesterday - other than the amazing liner notes, I finally noticed that there's an exclamation point in the title (probably the reasoning behind the embossing?)

    On another note, do I have to start mentioning people so I'm not talking to myself  :crossed:  @



    I really tried, but it seems people do not dig her much on this forum :( The new album is amazing. I love it.

  7. Like as much as i love Better and Fuck Myself, i'm going to need a bit more than 2 under 3 minute songs, ok, thanks Banks. x



    This. But still, the new 2 songs are unbelievably good

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