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Deleted User

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Posts posted by Deleted User

  1. Which Witch

    Queen Of Peace

    What Kind Of Man
    Make Up Your Mind
    As Far As I Could Get
    St. Jude

    How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful

    Ship to Wreck
    Various Storms & Saints

    Long & Lost

    Third Eye

    Pure Feeling


    The first two tracks are for me two of the best songs she's ever made. All the bold-ened ones are the ones I have on my iPod.

  2. Hello all. I'm not one to post lots of things or start discussions of this kind, but this is something that I'm willing to share to feed the world's conscience about the matter.


    A big march happened yesterday to fight against femicide, something that's awe-strucking common in LatinAmerica, yet in Argentina a certain case blew the whole thing up... Chiara was a 14 year old girl who was buried alive by her boyfriend, when he found out about her pregnancy. This was heartbreaking news for the whole country.


    The whole thing started a social media trending topic of 140 characters complaints about the utter lack of justice when it comes to gender difference, and how women seem to be completely defenseless in the world. From little subversive remnants of misoginy in popular ads and TV programs (and movies), to actual cases of women discrimination going unpunished, the hashtag #NiUnaMenos was held for about 4 weeks, and it even raised the men behind this to complain about trivial tiny things (compared to the assassination of over 1800 women in the last 6 years) when we talk about gender difference. This case is staggering, the cynism is unstoppable, and the worst thing of them all is how attached misoginy seems to be to the whole society structure (if you walk in the streets wearing a mini, showing a little cleavage, chances are that you will most assuredly get screamt from a car, or from building constructors, or even men that walk beside you, not to even mention that sometimes you get touched and it's seen as "normal").


    The good thing about this is that in the march, people seeing this as a whole "feminist march" were dismissed by the pressence of a lot of men, being on their own or even accompanying their couples, people with diverse sexual orientation also screaming for their freedom and rights, all sorts of people united by a same cause.


    It's sad for me that we need to have a national march to defend women, it's sad for me to think that precious beings like my mother or my sister go through so much pain and unfairness, I tried to do the most I could to support this but I know this is just the beginning (and hope for a better tomorrow, for each and every being in the world, regardless their gender, skin color, sexual orientation and whatnot) of a big process in which we all must do our best to scrutinize cases of domestic violence, we must make a stand, we must not be frail and cover ourselves and isolate in the shadows. We need to complain, and clean the very source of this, and expose it to the sunlight.

    You can read more about this in the following articles:




  3. So there's an unmixed/demo version of Body Talk going around?? Can someone send it? (didn't listen to that youtube link, it's down :( )

  4. @ reviving this to start the inevitable discussion of B-sides. I've been hunting ALL night and some are so elusive...Have you delved outside of his albums?



    it's a real dilemma... I have stuff seriously unsorted, I'll make a screencap and upload it

  5. I loved Ceremonials on first listen but it never climaxed.


    Lungs was too much of a stressful album to get through and organize everything myself.


    HB^3 is the most simple and straightforward album she has put out in the last few years.



    The album leaked...?

    I loved Ceremonials on first listen but it never climaxed.


    Lungs was too much of a stressful album to get through and organize everything myself.


    HB^3 is the most simple and straightforward album she has put out in the last few years.



    The album leaked...?

  6. I really looking forward to hearing the video edit of NGLA in iTunes, did anyone get it??


    Yes, I think INL is getting re-released.

  7. Didn't you generalize my country originally? LOL. the states here are just as the countries in SA; extremely different from one another, (mostly socially, but other factors as well). I thought maybe you would've read the satirical aspect of my comment, but you prevented yourself from doing that. Wouldn't you think Texas and NY are completely different? The same comparisons are equally bizzare..



    You saying that the difference between the states of UNITED STATES is equal to the difference between ACTUAL COUNTRIES that simply belong to a same continent is just brutal. It's like saying Spain, France and England are all one and the same. It's ignoring all the cultural legacy and historical background that actually brands that piece of floor as a country. It exceeds the geographical limitations, but the fact that most of latin america countries are hispanic doesn't mean we are all one and the same. 

    I have so many american friends which I admire and love, but you seem to be one of those americans whose american ego blindfolds them and prevents them from stating something readable. My recommendation: Stop talking about things that you don't know (and don't care to know) a bit about. You only make yourself look bad.


    For the record, your comparisson between Texas and NYC is just the same as comparing Salta with Buenos Aires... And they are two provinces inside just one country. So, give yourself the treat and pleasure of reading and researching.

  8. But wait, he actually sounds amazing :defeated: ,downloading his album right now. His version of 'Hanging On' sounds so much better than Ellie's version (her version is also really good, but I love the haunted vibe he gives to it).



    Of course, his version is the original. He's one of the best thing that happened to my ears, please please please enjoy You Are All I See <3 <3 (and btw, the bonus track "Body Heat (So Far Away)" is one of the best songs he has made <3

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