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AW Pussy

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Posts posted by AW Pussy

  1. Listening to Arcadia… and thinking.. how much I love her. She is our angel, our flawed angel! they really did mistook her kindness… even in words and how she sings certain lines I see how sweet she is, how humble… I hope she takes a good care of herself !!! If this decision is good for her mental stability then, automatically, it’s good for us too… 

  2. 10 minutes ago, GetFree said:

    Does anyone else think the song Chemtrails is a top 5 in her discography? It’s so stunning.


    Like even just the first 3 seconds of the song set such a warm and nostalgic tone. The song is a hug, a warm blanket.


    Yeah, song is amazing, beautiful, so interesting, intriguing… I just wish whole album had that theme and feeling… tbh when I first heard that album tittle that was the sound I pictured in my mind. 

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