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AW Pussy

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Everything posted by AW Pussy

  1. I want velvet crowbar on this album. please god that song, that melody deserves to be officially released. there's something timeless about it's melody.
  2. maybe she is still uncomfortable with that song.... that shit hits pretty hard.
  3. omg what if lana cheated on clay with barrie and that song is new not an old one
  4. BoZ was listening to TV in black and white on last.fm 7 hours ago..............
  5. sometimes we should think why particular song was not released or scrapped... maybe she was not ready to release these songs when she recorded it.. it's her life guys, her story... it's not some kind of fiction that she makes up and puts out. maybe now she thinks that these songs are part of the big story she wants to tell NOW! and I don't see problem with that
  6. of course BOZ meant lot of other instruments... question was is there lot more than piano??? and answer was a lot of!!! .... so why are yall speculating???? Arcadia has kind of yayo tone to it... idk about the rest of the song but now it seems it can fit to paradise
  7. AW Pussy


    We can all agree that Jack should have stopped producing music after Lana released Venice Bitch. that song took all the talent he had
  8. well, well... now I'm definitely sure about one thing....
  9. no no, we are not looking for excuses it's unprofessional we all agree about that there's just no point in going bonkers for something like this... and some of yall (not talking about anyone in particular) damage your nervous system.... IDK I have too much shit going on in my life rn so lana delaying an album is last thing I worry about. just enjoy your lives guysss, Love you all!! take care guys
  10. but where does BoZ see that she added new song??? lana's iphone??? HELLO??? or producer's flash drive?? something's fishy....
  11. I think BB was done as an album when she announced it... but after that I think she changed direction, maybe she recorded new songs that she thought was better than songs on the album... idk, who knows?!
  12. dude just quit her already... it's clearly not healthy for you to stan her idk why you stan her if it's so frustrating to you... no jack..... that's a win win.. I can wait for that for 2 years she's clearly doing something different.
  13. AW Pussy


    LMLYLAW was a better lead single... I’m sorry
  14. I really don’t understand how people can can hate BB... I understand that you want something more instrumental/music wise... but cmon people it’s more than just instrumental in that song.. tbh I don’t know how can someone be lana stan and hate BB... it’s too personal.. I mean it’s like telling “I don’t like that story I want something exciting and more interesting” to Lana! It’s her life, her struggles, her pain... that’s sad guys.
  15. Someone check new zealand apple music or spotify... let’s check if it’s worldwide or not
  16. sooooo...... when are we expecting RCS release? worlwide release?? TEAM DELULU RIIIISEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. AW Pussy

    Charlotte Cardin

    YESS!!! this LP blew my mind..
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