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Everything posted by Prettywhenyoudye

  1. It's finally here. <3 Happy it feels worth the wait & was pretty cool to discuss with everybody.
  2. Have to share this with everybody. It's rare that i come across a good Lana cover but this girl is AMAZING!!
  3. Got to wait 2 months for the vinyl to ship. Can't wait to see it with my own eyes.
  4. Really? I didn't think they were going to sell out within the same day (silly me) I would've totally bought it
  5. I don't see the limited edition signed vinyl on her website anymore? Did it sell out or? I need it. Somebody let me know haha
  6. Wait, is she for sure being interviewed on BBC radio 1?
  7. Im alive!!!!! My Lust for Life has been rejuvenated! SB & GL are amazing, loving the boxset & clear vinyl. So excited. 9 more days! <3
  8. First "era" I've been on Lanaboards for, so cool to experience everything with everybody! 10 more days till the record babes! Can't wait.
  9. I thought it was high tops in the summer? Guess we'll find out in the morning (:
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/BWVy3QIF9RS/ Omfggggg
  11. I actually just fell in love with her all over again, omg.
  12. So you think the 2 singles will be Summer Bummer & Groupie Love? Was hoping one of em would be Cherry. Dying to hear the studio version
  13. https://lana.lnk.to/groupielove Link to Groupie Love but it doesnt come up when you click the links omg
  14. 6 more days until the pre-order. 15 more days until the record drops. ☺
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