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Off To The Races 2010 demo pls

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Everything posted by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls

  1. The leak is not edited and distorted. The leak is good and perfectly listenable. Sky was experimenting with the production with some intense strings and weird sounds. It's a demo. I love Descending. I enjoy listening to the file that leaked. Very good.
  2. not to be ungrateful but we really need a good edit of Descending because the file that leaked is listenable but also not listenable
  3. No way... The vocals on the intro sound too drowned and unpolished to be a final mix. In fact, I thought the intro was the tag when I first heard the leak lmao
  4. This demo is honestly way too listenable and polished to be the first one ever done... Though there are parts where I can't tell if the production sounds weird or if it's that tag lmao
  5. I'm sorry but df with its epic and apocalyptic soundscape and powerful lyrics >
  6. don't forget might be better than descending and thats okay
  7. um hi is this file of descending listenable or
  8. Venus Fly Trap is the best song on TFJ
  9. Marina's lyricism distinguishes for hitting extremely hard when you relate to it :')
  10. speaking of l+f... sinful final needs to leak!
  11. I'm listening to this for the first time in years and I'm wallowing on my bed
  12. i just wanna have some fun! been working like a young kardashian! doesn't matter what your boss say!! take a holiday!! do you wanna do u wanna have so me fun!??
  13. Since yall are so powerful on manifesting leaks, it's time for yall to manifest the leak of CTMP mv! You wanted MTL? You got it. You wanted TKO? You got it. You wanted No Angel? You FUCKING got it. You wanted Round & Round? You got it. You wanted Taxi? You G O T it. You wanted Bounce final? You get a new version every 200 days! Now lets do it for CTMP video!!
  14. She's releasing Masochism next year, NTMT's 10th birthday : )
  15. oh by the way i really like how she sings "owned by a sheik who killed thousands of gay men". was listening to man's world this afternoon after a while and i really think she sings that line tenderly!
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