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Posts posted by viktoria

  1. Arca

    lost woman found is the closing track on Kick iiii (presumably track 12 then)

    sanctuary and witch (both were on the draft KICK ii tracklist) are getting released on kick iiii or v

  2. Arca

    2 hours ago, monsterdino said:

    Paw, La Exorcista and Cayo confirmed to not be a part of the kick series 

    paw and la exorcista are average but CAYÓ?????? WTF

  3. 30 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


    No there not. 



    It doesn't exists until Neil posts it himself which I'm hoping. :w8ing:

    "High quality" images taken on film camera don't exist. The images i posted were from a reliable insider who has access to the highest quality of the images. There is no higher quality of the images available.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


    These are the two I want and the ones you posted are not HQ. It's the same blurrish pics going around for weeks. I want the legit HQ directly from Neil just like he did 2 days ago. Look at the quality of the ones he posted on tumblr. Those would be the real HQ photos. Thanks anyway. :wub:

    Those are the real HQ images.

  5. there should've been 5 double singles that then got released as a compilation album on vinyl :umadney:

    1. 5ITM / Bricks
    2. Focus / No Angel
    3. GNO / Bounce
    4. Taxi / Miami
    5. Come To My Party / Waterfall



  6. On 11/2/2021 at 1:38 AM, Wanna Get Fucked Up said:

    idk if anyone here has heard shygirls new song 'cleo' but this is exactly the vibe i'd love from bjorks new music - the classical instrumentation x experimental electronic/house-ey combo :flutter: (although i'm sure bjork will be much less clubby and more experimental)

    i love that song but how is it experimental 

  7. my xcx world tracklist

    1. come to my party
    2. gno
    3. good girls
    4. bounce
    5. no angel
    6. taxi
    7. down like wow
    8. die 4
    9. i wanna be with u
    10. 100
    11. heartbeat
    12. can you hear me
    13. waterfall
    14. queen lizzy
    15. after the afterparty


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