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Everything posted by maysparkle

  1. Listening now.. only on track 3 but it’s so gorgeous… Is the album version different than the single she released not too long ago?
  2. Totally. I made the mistake of sharing Arcadia with my dad last year and while he said the chorus was nice, the lyrics were a bit “weird” for him. Which sucks, because Tunnel is so beautiful and I know he’d love it if he heard it. We have similar music tastes but he is 74 and some of her more provocative lyrics don’t sit well with him so it can get awkward, lol
  3. I wanted to send this song to my dad but I’m afraid he’d get weird with the “fuck me to death” line.
  4. maysparkle


    I listened again on better speakers and Dolby Atmos. Special made me cry because I’m going through it with my dude. I like the album more once I had a proper listen. Loved F2F too. I think I take back what I said earlier.
  5. maysparkle


    Some of the songs are ok. I like Shirt, Blind and Good Days…and maybe I didn’t get enough sleep last night (I know I didn’t, I was up till 2 am obsessing about stupid shit) but this new album is giving me a headache. People were right that there are more skips than not. Confused by pitchforks review. I really did like her first two albums; they seemed more cohesive. tbh I’d rather just stream Tunnel/Ocean Blvd again for the millionth time lol
  6. maysparkle


    Just now listening and not a fan of the first track so far. I really liked her first two albums so we will see where this goes…
  7. I’ve been listening to Tunnel and Harry Nilsson’s Don’t Forget Me back to back and they flow very well together.. love that she paid homage to him
  8. Is anybody else’s favorite part of the track the opening with the exhale? It just relieves my stress and I kind of exhale along with it…like it just reminds me to relax and take it easy ♥️
  9. I made my boyfriend listen and he said it sounds so much like IYLDWM and that IYLDWM is the superior song 🙄 he wasn’t listening with sound proof headphones though like I was… I don’t know, to me Tunnel sounds like it has a certain melancholy that’s been lacking from her stuff for awhile, and it makes it different and beautiful.
  10. I’m bummed I missed out on the cassette and also bummed that people can’t see that this song has a lot of differences to IFYLDWM and LMLYLAW. I liked those two songs, don’t get me wrong, but this one just feels different. The vocals, production and lyrics are all there. I hear some similarities but it’s for sure not the same
  11. I definitely was thinking the same thing about Family Tree. God I’m looking forward to this record I hope I don’t die before then
  12. Somebody on here said the new song sounds a little like Let Me Love You Like a Woman and I kinda can’t unhear that but at the same time Ocean Blvd sounds so much more lush and rich with emotion with the exhale at the beginning and the strings and that bridge that gives me goosebumps as well as those LYRICS and that gorgeous heavenly outro….. It just seems like it has way more depth to it than Let Me Love You Like a Woman…
  13. This new Neil artwork is so damn good it makes me forget the past couple eras. Giving UV energy. I think this record is gonna serve so hard. Finally she’s back
  14. Yesssss Amazon was able to let me get the pink vinyl and it will just charge me before it ships a few months from now thank god, it helps broke bitches like me… when I get paid tonight I’m getting the white and standard variants as well as the cd and cassette… so much for saving money this paycheck. Sigh
  15. I need to know where people are finding these other variants. I don’t want to miss any when I finally do get paid
  16. I’m out of money till midnight do you think the white vinyl will still be there when I get paid tonight?! I’m trying to figure out how to get money to land in my account rn just for this occasion but am struggling. Love the album cover and 60s font and tits out. Man
  17. It’s so good I’ve listened three times and afraid to listen too much before album release. I want to listen over and over. Best song she’s released in years. I have a lot of feelings about this and I’m at work and the boss is in today and she sits right near me and can watch me on my phone. Wow what a day to be alive though. It’s times like this I actually feel something. Man
  18. It’s so good the instrumentation, lyrics, cover art… I wow Jesus god. I am ascending. She surprise released. Everything I wanted. God is good
  19. Also I’m like crying by the fact that I’m not paid till midnight tonight because I want to spend my $$$ as soon she announces that preorder… ugh why couldn’t I have saved something for this occasion. I hate myself rn
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