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Posts posted by Valentino

  1. Okay but now that this thread is active I gotta say every single song is banger. :oprah3:


    Moonlight is just so cute, and a great start.

    Dangerous Woman grew on me, at first it was ok but then it started to give me life. :hottie:

    Be Alright is clothing store music done right. :hottie:

    Into You LITERALLY SCALPS ME NO OTHER WAY TO DESCRIBE IT. Probably my favorite song on the record. And song of the year. :hottie:

    Side to Side grew on me too, it's also worth noting that 'wrist icicle ride dick bicycle' deserves a Nobel Prize. :oprah3:

    Let Me Love You has killer verses. Even Lil Wayne's is tolerable.

    Greedy got me SHOOK at first listen. It's kinda basic compared to some other magnum opuses included in the album but still a bop. :oprah:

    Leave Me Lonely is God Knows I Tried done right sorry 'bout it. :hottie:

    Everyday makes me want to pound my hoohah on the floor. I'm sorry I know, but there's no other way to describe it. Also this song makes me a gay. :hottie:

    Sometimes is an amazing classic pop song. No shade but Resistance could never. :hottie:

    I Don't Care is what Honeymoon should have sounded like. :hottie:

    Bad Decisions is A song. Bonnie and Clyde reference done right. Live or Die who? :hottie:

    Touch It is like Into You's little sister. A banger. Still not scalping me but it surely is wrecking some follicles. :hottie:

    Knew Better / Forever Boy I mean 2 song in 1? Lana could never. Innovative queen. :hottie:

    Thinking Bout You has an amazingly produced instrumental and build up. I always enjoy ballads / mid tempos as closers in pop albums.

    Step On Up is such a bop, considering it's a Target bonus tracks. That drum kills me. Religion on Ritalin. :hottie:

    Jason's Song I KNOW IT'S CHEESY but it's the kind of trash I liked. It feels really emotional and vulnerable. Not very dangerous woman but still a great song. I don't know the melody gets me. :xcry:

    Focus not her best song but I mean, it's a Japan bonus track. With that in mind I can bop to this without guilt. :hottie:

    Knew Better Part 2 lowkey slays. That rap? 2Pac and Biggie Smalls wish. :hottie:



    Never would have thought Ari would 1) release a flawless 19-tracks-long album 2) slay me this hard. Literally album of the year. Honeymoon could never. :hottie:


    "Dangerous Woman" is the only light in this year of darkness, like I've been so disappointed with everything on the Top 40. Dangerous Woman is undeniably Ari's best work, her most consistent work, her most diverse work. I'm so proud to stan for this queen  :defeated:

    I'm upset that Into You only reached 13; I swear that song used to be on the radio every day.



    and any song on DW is better than closer  :deadbanana:


  2. Though I don't think anyone ever explicitly spelled out these specific connections before, you're definitely not the first to notice them. In fact, I'd assumed you had already noticed them before.


    I just wanted to spell out that specific connection. Her spelling God "G-d" could've come from any source, but now there's evidence to show that came from Arthur Lynn specifically. And I remember some people being like "wtf" at her fake profile, so the fact that one of Arthur Lynn's jokes in it is interesting, at least.


    Thanks for the info about Tags and the various connections between the bands! I don't know how you find all these things OTL.

  3. The "Rich Whores" leak inspired me to look for more of her early stuff and I noticed something kinda neat. Remember that list of interests from Arthur Lynn's flickr?




    music, girls, guitars, america, diet mountain dew, van halen, ice cream, photography, jersey, angiescreams, indian summer, woods, food, freckles, the sun, the moon, seasons, amplifiers, family, friends, karma, october, yo mama, yo mama's apple pie, and those little people we call doggies


    According to this site, this was once the biography on lizzygrant.com. We've seen most of this stuff before, about the circus and whatever, but notice one more thing.




    Lizzy Grant was born on the day of Worldly Rapture. She is inspired by Caffeine, G-d, and David Lee Roth. She spent two years as a trapese artist in a southern California circus. She’s been married four times in 5 countries. Having shared the stage with such acts as Mirah, The Blow, and John Mayer, it’s no surprise that she’s one of the most sought after and intriguing acts to have errupted on the New York music scene. A regular friend and influence on the downtown crowd, Lizzy Grant has been named the unofficial sweetheart by hipster musicologists everywhere. A winner of the Williamsburg Live Songwriting Contest, and notorious femme fatale, she’s sweeter than yo mama’s apple pie


    "Yo mama's apple pie?" The Arthur Lynnfluence lives on, I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if Arthur Lynn wrote that biography for her, now that I think about it.  :hooker:


    Finally, this one mystery was kind of cleared up. I wondered who the "tags & tim" listed as band members on this Sirens-era myspace page:



    But a closer look at another myspace era page tells me they continued being her band members into the Arthur Lynn period. So they're old friends she continued playing with for a while. Kinda neat!




    Continuing the Arthur Lynn info dump, I found out that "angiescreams," which was the username he used for flickr iirc, was also a band of his, and that the drummer for this band of his was also the drummer for the Rich Whores, Aaron Brooks! This band appeared to have existed from 2005 to 2009, so it overlaps with the "Rich Whores" period. I wonder if this was how Lana met Lynn? I'm especially curious about the fact that she got one of his drummers to join her band.


    And for even more evidence that Arthur Lynn was a hugely influential boyfriend, check out the News section on that website...  "9.11.07 G-d bless America. G-d bless our troops." G-d is a pretty idiosyncratic way to spell "God," wouldn't you say? And it also shows up in that biography of Lizzy's up there! Now I really can't help but wonder if Arthur Lynn wrote that biography as a joke. Which she would be in on, of course. Or maybe their cross-pollination was so much that Lana just adopted that much of his humor, spelling, tastes, and interests.


    Lanalysis is (barely) alive and breathing.

  4. I've searched in the topic but I don't think it has been speculated before - I rewatched Let's Get Lost (side note - I think it's becoming one of my favourite movies) and I'm really really starting to wonder if Jump isn't, purely and simply, about no one else but Chet Baker. 


    _ First and foremost she used the documentary a lot in the video for it (not even to mention West Coast) and we know her love for him.

    _ "Palm trees in black and white, last thing I saw before I died": there are a lot of occurrences in the documentary where you can see shots of palm trees in black and white, especially in the beginning, from where most of the references in the song as well as West Coast seem to point forward.

    _ "Right mixture of cocaine and heroin": there is a memorable moment in the movie where he explains the mixture of cocaine and heroin and how you have to be careful not to put too much cocaine because the first blow is devastating.

    _ "Hair thin and in the wind, Cadillac convertible with him": Lana was HEAVILY, not to say she copied, inspired by the scenes at the beginning of Let's Get Lost of Chet and others in the convertible where he is presented as already, "a very old man", and is laughing.

    _ "You are a junkie on your window smiling wide": his death, if I understood correctly, was from falling from the window of the hotel he was staying in, at night, and he was found in the morning, with traces of drugs in his body. He, literally, may have jumped. "Last fight, fuck them, last words".


    I don't know, it really makes sense to me. I would prefer this song to be about Chet than Mike!


    Very cool discovery! Haven't seen the documentary, but this makes a lot of sense. (I need an updated thread about Lana's inspirations (books, movies, music, e.g.), because I keep discovering new things about her.)


    I'm kind of glad Lanalysis has moved on from "literally every song is about K/Jimmy Gnecco/Mike and Lana was a drug-dealing/taking go-go dancer." The mystique is gone, but hopefully the image we have of her is slightly more accurate - or maybe it's better to say less inaccurate. I think the most accurate post in this whole thread was the one where that guy said "when Lana says her songs are 100% inspired by her life she means her watching Netflix." Of course, that doesn't mean none of her songs can be tied to known exes, but I think maybe we're a little less outrageous in our suggestions.


    I really want to do a Lanalysis post but from the perspective of detailing the "characters" that show up in the Lanaverse. Some of these are real people, many (most?) are not. One of the compelling/annoying things about Lana is how she reuses a lot of tropes and imagery. I don't have a lot of time now to make this sort of mega-post I'm thinking of but I really want to do it some day.  :defeated:

  5. Boarding School, Trash Magic, Yayo capture a lot of the Lizzy-era things very well.


    Video Games is probably the quintessential Lana song. A slow, melancholy song about obsessive love. Not to mention the strings are very "cinematic," and Hollywood has been an inspiration for Lana since the Lizzy days. Off To The Races is the essence of the hip hop meets Hollywood theme for BTD and characterizes Lana's writing style (little vignettes of imagery strung together, plus the Lolita quote shows Lana's love of reference).


    Ride, especially if you include the monologue from the video, really captures a lot of her... uniqueness (pretentiousness). This bled over into the Ultraviolence era.

  6. That's weird though. I've seen FROOT, both digipack and jewel case, in every country I've been to after it's release. :rip: I still see it at both of my local stores nowadays, hahah. 


    I must have really awful luck then, or people in this state don't care for Marina. :rip: I've only ever seen Electra Heart twice, never seen TFJ or FROOT. I didn't end up liking the album anyway, so maybe it's a good thing.  :hooker:


    I still haven't listened to this album completely  :defeated: I just want to give it a listen some day I'm not distracted or working on something else.

  7. Isn't she though?  :usrs:


    It was released everywhere, as far as I know? And FROOT wasn't an online exclusive?


    I never saw FROOT in any music store, in two different cities. I heard someone say it was an online exclusive. Maybe that wasn't true, but I can certainly say that I've never seen a copy of FROOT irl.


    I also didn't see this album in Target, but maybe it's the particular Target I went to, or other stores will have it.

  8. At the time of !Franchesckaar! vinyl was actually comparable in price to CDs given its low popularity at the time, and was actually a really common method of release for indie singles/projects. It wasn't until about 2013 where costs really started to rise

    Ah, that's interesting! Well high prices for vinyl could probably contribute to Vroom Vroom now not getting a vinyl release. Not sure what stopped !Francheskaar! other than maybe low demand, bad planning?

  9. I know that this probably is irrelevant, but the !Franchesckaar! promo CD press sticker said that there would be a vinyl release, but that shit never happened. :toofunny:

    Vinyl is apparently way more expensive to make than a CD, so it wouldn't surprise me if the plans for this vinyl fell through. I don't know how much money Charli has available for this stuff, but she's got to budget for future plans and stuff.

  10. I went to Target looking for her album (among others) and it wasn't there.  :flop: Bit of a long shot, but I'm still annoyed at having to buy it online. Has anyone found it in any stores, or is it an online only release like Froot?

  11. Does anyone know if you can find her album in brick and mortar stores? I'm gonna be heading to Target soon to get some albums and I'm wondering if hers would be there. I always prefer to buy physical when I can.

  12. I finally listened to all of Badlands and it's actually not as bad as I thought it would be. A lot of her lyrics are super cringe (the spoken-word bridge in Colors, which would be better if it were sung, imo; "everybody wants to know if we fucked on the bathroom sink;" "if you want to go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight;" almost any time she says fuck, really) but I like a lot of her melodies and even the cringey lyrics have a weird appeal to them.  :bop:


    The Colors video is ace, freaking hilarious. A friend of mine told me "you HAVE to see this" and I spent the first half thinking it was pretty run-of-the-mill 'rich people romancing rich people' stuff, not much better than Blank Space and then the twist :rip: Incredible.

  13. I'm listening to her album. Something about her image also really bothers me (although I can't quite put my finger on it), but the music is solid. Her musical and vocal style strongly remind me of Susanne Sundfør!

  14. TEA.


    she should talk more about her life her ideology and belief tbh. in a sarcastic way or poetry.


    She's made a lot of references to people being unable to change in the face of God's will ('man makes plans and God laughs - why do I even bother to ask', 'what'd God give me a brain for, he won't let me use it', 'me and God we don't along', 'you know sometimes I think God's playing a little game with me'). She studied metaphysics; I feel like she can probably mine her spiritual and philosophical beliefs to make interesting, introspective lyrics. She has to have something more to talk about than lost love and fame being awful.


    Maybe she's afraid that if she's too open, it'll come back to bite her. She said she kind of regretted writing FMWUTTT, even though it was really a departure from her usual topics. Unlike Brooklyn Baby, which I don't think is satirical, FMWUTTT is pure venom and maniacal glee. You think I had to sleep with the industry players to get to where I am? Fine, I'm still the dragon others pathetically try to imitate.


    I don't want Lana to give us a philosophical manifesto in album format (although that would be neat  :creep:), but I'd really like to see the more pensive side of her that occasionally shines through her lyrics. From a handful of lyrics, we can see she has or had some kind of resentment that a higher power would toy with people and man's hopelessness to change in the face of fate. I'm curious!


    Musically, I wish she'd have more variety with regards to tempo. I don't dislike her slow songs (being a Lana fan and hating slow songs is a special form of masochism), but I feel like Honeymoon drags on a bit. She's pretty flexible musically, if her unreleased stuff is anything to go by. Like other people, I think she's become complacent. But maybe she's not in the right place for a Dan Auerbach to challenge her. Maybe Honeymoon wasn't the right time for that. I do hope the next album is, though(although I'll buy any album she puts out, let's be real).

  15. Are all the SOPHIE live tracks on this EP? I never downloaded them and when I try to look them up, they have different names (vroom vroom was "lets ride", paradise was something else). I haven't been keeping up :giveup:


    (the punk tracks slay me, hoping they'll come out one day)

  16. The double-l sound in Spanish has a lot of dialectal variation. The way she pronounces it, with a 'zh' sound, is common in Argentinian Spanish (although it's not the only possible pronunciation there - a 'sh' sound is also possible). Which, ironically, was influenced by Italian immigrants.  :toofunny:


    I'm also not sure what's leading all the Italians to think she's saying "calciatore." I cannot hear any 'l' sound in that first syllable. I'm wondering if the reason so many Italians hear "calciatore" is because she doesn't double the consonant in "cacciatore," which is how it should be said in Italian. But Lana doesn't speak Italian. I think she speaks a bit of Spanish, and her pronunciation there is passable. She obviously has an accent. The way she says "acción," with three syllables, is a very English thing to do; in Spanish, it would be said with two syllables. She makes the vowels sound more Spanish, but she still has an English influence. The same applies to "cacciatore", I would think. She pronounces the vowels in an Italian manner and rolls the r, but in English there is no distinction between long and short consonants, so she doesn't double the "cc."


    Cacciatore is also a pretty well known dish in America. Whenever Lana speaks in a foreign language, she uses pretty simple and well-known words. "Yo soy la princesa. Comprende mis white lines" (white lines isn't Spanish ofc) "Cubano como yo." It's nothing complicated; I'm pretty sure a first-year Spanish student could pick it out.


    I really don't see a strong argument for "calciatore" when (a) cacciatore is known by American audiences (b) it fits the theme of "saying basic words in a foreign language" © Americans don't know what "calciatore" is. Although this song is supposed to be "Italian," the Italianness of it is really superficial. Like Godfather sounding music, very well known Italian words, a really Italian-sounding name. It's like the Epcot version of Italy in a song. But all the action is taking place in Miami, she's eating soft ice cream (Coney Island queen  :creep: ), and the guy is beatboxing and rapping - two American things. (if we're hearing it properly, she even brings up the Medellin cartel, which is certainly famous, and certainly not Italian). If it was 'calciatore', then you ruin the theme of easily digestible (no pun intended) Italian items by introducing something foreign to Americans.

  17. I feel like they dumped all this footage on us, unedited (otherwise why else are all the shot so long) so that fans can create their own UV videos. :creep:


    I didn't like the video, but that's because it wasn't really a video for Freak. It was material that should've been for UV that was never used and instead sewn together to please fans.


    Really, I feel mad that the UV video that should've been never was. Imagine if Lana dropped a video like this on us. The scene with FMJ taking the acid was great. The kool-aid (and the kool-aid dripping down her chin) was great. I died when they were dancing in the fog. And in appropriate doses, the water girls and sister wives could've also been great. But for some reason, UV didn't happen, and we got the lazy video of her sucking on Francesco's fingers and eating an orange. Maybe she's not trying now because she feels there's no point - her actual ambitious ideas were prevented from coming to fruition, so screw the label and screw the fans, I'll only do as much as I need to to get both of them off my back.


    It's a real shame. I feel like maybe she should take a break... go to places other than LA and NY. In the meanwhile, fans will continue to make a million fanmade UV clips because this footage needs editing bad.

  18. i love it, the only criticism i have is none of the water scenes were used which is eh because they were intended for the original UV video too but it still slays


    Agree. Maybe the water scenes could have been used to break up some of the ones that had an awkward editing cut (like when FMJ was sitting with the girls and it cuts abruptly to another shot of him with the girls), and then at the very end you see him underwater as well.


    But otherwise this was really nice, I would honestly watch something like this over the actual UV and Freak videos. And the way you integrated the controversial Marilyn Manson (?) video :icant: Excellent.


    (I kind of hope this sparks a trend of people recreating UV from all the footage we have lying around, I would watch every single one of them  :creep: )

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