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Everything posted by cherriesandwine

  1. I am listening to love through proper speakers not my headphones and it's sunny and warm and I am re-evaluating my life. I honestly think it's one of my fave lana songs ever. So uplifting and happy I really hope the rest of the album is more like this I am ready for happy Lana we have hundreds of sad songs to keep us going
  2. lana on stella's story laughing so hard at all of us stressing about friday
  3. Why do people think July 21st is realistic? We only have 1 source saying that and it's not confirmed by Lana otherwise it wouldn't have been edited out of the KROQ interview. Maybe it won't come on Friday (I am still hopeful) but I don't think it will be as late as July
  4. Friday seems an absolute age away I can't even cope if we have to wait until July
  5. Me! Everyone who thinks it's not gonna be a surprise release v soon is delusional not us xoxo
  6. 4 years today since I saw Lana live (: it's a sign pals it's coming this week
  7. I feel it in my soul it's going to come Friday I hope it's not pushed back a week or something to make it more of an actual surprise /: is there any chance it could drop on Thursday just to fuck us all up
  8. I can't wait to be smug af when it comes on Friday (; or get dragged so hard for this comment lol I'm happy either way
  9. I honestly think it's crazy to believe that the album isn't even finished. Why would we have any singles or promo or billboards or live performances of new songs or a trailer for the album or photoshoots or interviews all over the place or shops telling us they will be in stock after the 26th or whatever?? Honestly don't understand people who don't realise that Ben is just playing along with the surprise thing and it's coming soon (maybe not necessarily the 26th but in the next 2 weeks.)
  10. they tried to throw us off the scent with Paris match date and now ben is trying again
  11. I am still 100% convinced that it's because they want to surprise release it. A surprise release would be a good way to avoid leaks. It's almost definitely finished unless she has decided last minute to include something extra like Coachella. But tbh that doesn't make sense to me especially after what Ted said about not wanting to break her trust and the fact him asking that question got edited out of the interview. The only thing that makes sense is that it's a surprise release. I just hope the May 26th date was the real date that got accidentally leaked.
  12. why would ted not want to break her trust or why would it be edited out of the interview if the answer was 'oh the album isn't actually finished yet' ?? ben we can see through your lies
  13. he's a lying lil bish it's coming as if she has done so much promo after so much silence when the album isn't even finished being recorded?? why wasn't she doing interviews all year? Because the album wasn't ready yet and now it is and it's coming on Friday gals
  14. nah it's the truth I know it I have a £5 bet with my boyfriend and I'm gonna win that £5
  15. Ben is hot but he makes me too mad to actually fancy him I'm happy and excited about a surprise release it's gonna be amazing and you will all be buzzing too even though you're complaining now xoxo
  16. yaaas I'm on my lunch I could watch it straight away thanks lana sis
  17. it's really not rocket science that it's going to be a surprise release tbh clearly coming this week and not july
  18. Editing out the date ... it is obviously supposed to be a surprise release. It's almost definitely the 26th date that accidentally leaked. Gonna come either this week before then or up to 1 week after to actually surprise us. Calling it
  19. Yeah it definitely sounds like classic Lana but maybe not necessarily a specific song.
  20. If it doesn't come 26th I predict it will come the following Tuesday or Friday and will be a real surprise because we will all be thinking it's coming in July and suddenly we will have it
  21. Why are we crazy for expecting (hoping for) the album on May 26th? Way way more sources have given it as the date and it makes perfect sense in light of her Cherry performance yesterday and the fact she is performing again on the 27th and on French radio on the 31st. July date from Paris Match is just to throw us off the scent because it's supposed to be a surprise 'for the fans'.
  22. excited for the meltdowns over the amazing album she is gonna serve us on friday
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