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Posts posted by cherriesandwine

  1. ngl I am judging u all based on where Tomorrow Never Came features in your rankings lol fucking life changing song I love the beatles and I love crosby stills and nash (which it gives me vibes of ) and lana's voice ends my life so I am just In Heaven


    their voices together are so perfect too I was the most worried for this collab becasuse I don't like sean's solo stuff but his voice is beautiful on this song and harmonising with lana is fucking amazing

    now we just need a FJM collab single in november please sis

  2. Have any of y'all made a top 3 yet? It's so hard... some songs have good production and others are powerful on lyrics, but overall such a good mix. I'm glad she kept the bass beats she discovered in honeymoon, but then I hear born to die production on "White Mustang". It really shows our girl's growth. She did that.


    1. Tomorrow Never Came

    2. Tomorrow Never Came  Heroin

    3. Tomorrow Never Came Get Free


    but seriously I could put nearly all of the album in my top 3 tbh

  3. jumping on the bandwagon because it's fun and I am excited and grateful to be alive and healthy enough to be enjoying this work of art


    Songs I live for

    Tomorrow Never Came


    Songs I love



    Get Free

    God Bless America

    World at War

    Groupie Love

    13 Beaches


    Songs I like


    White Mustang

    Lust For Life

    In My Feelings

    Summer Bummer


    Beautiful People


    Songs I don't like


  4. tbh everyone complaining about people listening to leaks seriously needs to get off their high horse. As people have already pointed out, if you listen to ANYTHING unreleased then you are just as guilty.


    Plus, if the very worst thing that can happen to lana in her work is her album leaking a day or 2 early then she's v lucky. Get some perspective people.

  5. So have we determined if this is the Velvet Underground cover or no? (I havent been able to listen to the snippets yet.)

    nvm just saw the date of the original post lol

  6. I can't believe lana said she could sing tomorrow never came without it tugging at her heartstrings because I am crying buckets even on my 4th listen of it it's so beautiful oh my god lana thank you so much for bringing so much beauty and goodness and love into my life I can't wait to get tipsy and dance all down the riverbank to it w my bf when he comes omg i am slain

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