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Posts posted by cherriesandwine

  1. She seem to prefer outdoor stages so I think festivals will be all we (Europeans) will get this year... and she didn't sound so interested to go on a tour anytime soon, unless she finds someone to join her. Maybe there'll be a tour next year if the album sells well?



    I hope so lol I can't afford to see her until I finish my training and start my job in september  :toofunny:  I only saw her live once in may 2013 and it was the best day of my life :defeated:

  2. im sorry for hating summer bummer i cant wait to get fcked to it next week :creepna:

    Personally I don't give a shit about how it's gonna chart because there's zero correlation between that and my opinion of the album. And I bet she doesn't really give a damn either, for all we know she could be wipin' on a hundred dollar bill and extempore buying stuff most of us will probably never be able to afford on her another, available hand as we speak. Of course I'd like the record to be successful but a majority of her fan base supports her either way, since some people here as well are getting it on multiple formats and I have even paid for all of the singles which I doubt you've done. If it flops, it flops - it's not going to be the end of the world for her nor us and it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the record. It's their loss.




    agree also loving ur abfab gifs :hooker:

  3. I feel like TNC is receiving a lot of uneccesary hate. :crai: I feel a little disheartened...


    I'm glad I've not seen any of it because I LOVE the snippet and it's one of the ones I'm most excited for! I was a George Harrison stan for a few years so I am loving the beatles vibes and bob d ref again


    not sure I will enjoy sean lennon's voice on it but he has done a good job with the instrumental tbh

  4. I really feel like I will have to delete Summer Bummer, Love and Groupie Love. They are just too horrible in a sea of greatness. I'll have a 13 track album ehh :(


    Love and Groupie Love are so incredible though and Summer Bummer is okay once you get over PBC's ad libs lol


    lust for life and coachella are the ones that need to go

    (and even they are not bad enough that u would delete them)

  5. I personally only remember the recordings lol. Maybe it did, but i don't think i downloaded it bc on the release date i remember being so excited to hear everything in HQ


    I just got home and checked the date of my files from that time and they're from the 16th (september 2015) in 260kbps so I think it did leak before the 18th (: not that it matters but I just wanted to check if my memory was right haha

  6. 'green is the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove' is sung so beautifully I am so excited for this collab

    I interpreted this line as her saying "recall back to the days when you were young and wild and open-minded. Lean into those days when you could dream anything possible and had a wild imagination". It's a political line, I'd say. Many political issues of today arise from ignorance and people being set in their ways and saying "well what difference could I make?". In your youth, you think you're important and know you can make any difference you want to. So "lean into the fucking youth" probably means "go back to the mindset and hopefulness of your younger years when you were free, a dreamer, and never thought something was impossible and stop being cynical in thinking you can't make a difference in this fucked up world. It's kind of interesting that this song recalls back to Cruel World sonically, it gives meaning to the obscure title that wasn't mentioned once in that song.


    this is how i interpreted it too

    Honeymoon didnt leak. There was an UO listening party and every twink with a phone recorded it without hesitation. And if you ask me, thats not a leak. Lana isnt stupid, she probably knew full well what was going to inevitably happen


    I thought it did leak in better quality though before the actual release? I remember downloading it on my phone on the bus with no wifi lol but I can't really remember if it was before the release date it was definitely before my cd came in the post but it was a Bad time of my life so my memory is hazy

  7. I dunno, she's being very literal this era.


    Prepare for big butts coming out of water music video // Lana twerking at coachella surrounded by big butts while Kim Jong presses the button


    Yeah but her being literal would mean the peaches were literal peaches and not symbolism for bums :creep:


    I am gonna still think they are cute literal peaches/cherries/sweet imagery even if we get that video lol


  8. I fell in love with Lana with her metaphorical wonderland of soft ice creams and cherry colas in coney island. I think that's why it was so hard to stomach a song like Love with a line like "Look at you kids with your vintage music"... However, looking at the album as a whole, I do agree that it looks like it works. 


    Loving the peaches and black beaches theme though, I think the album will have a good mix of dreamy Lana and childrens children Lana. 


    Ahem just came up with a random theory that the Peaches theme alludes to the pervasive obsession with big butts lately i.e. peach emoticon. ??


    I saw someone else say the dripping peaches line could be about bums coming out of the water but nah I think that's too crass for even LFL lana. I think peaches are just literal peaches and something v sweet and kind of from that older lana aesthetic but who knows

  9. I think, and hope people have the same experiences as me so this doesn't sound stupid, with almost every album I've fully listened to the show stoppers never tend to be singles. Yeah, singles are amazing, but I always end up straying from them when re-listening to albums. Can't remember the last time I actively went to listen to Video Games, etc. It's the same with almost all artists for me. Singles are a good way to scratch the surface of an album to find the real treasures underneath.


    same here but video games is an exception for me like it's just such a perfect song and so special to me. I remember hearing in on the radio in bed before BTD release and it was such a special moment in my life :flutter:

  10. i am so living for the fact that lanaboards will now be a super happy and excited place to be for the final week!!!!!!!! it's been so hard with yall being so negative and doubtful all the time


    LANA ALWAYS COMES THROUGH thats why she is our queen




    can't believe it has already descended back into negativity ): i thought finally joining lb would be fun because i could share pre release excitement with other fans and not just my uninterested bf ):

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