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Everything posted by cherriesandwine

  1. it seems like everyone either loves summer bummer OR groupie love but not both? driving in cars with boys lol
  2. I wish groupie love had been at the end of baby driver idk they are just my 2 fave things rn lol
  3. GL is still giving me goosebumps on about my 100th listen lol gonna be so sick of it by the 21st do we know any more about these listening parties she wants to have before the 21st?
  4. it's like magic, babe, isn't life wonderful (GL and Love are so positive and happy so i don't get why yosemite was too happy ???)
  5. how is BAR underrated nobody ever shuts up about it
  6. Groupie Love > Love > LFL > Coachella > Summer Bummer sorry for being a bummer babe
  7. same i just really can't get into it but unlike some of you crazy gals i am not writing off an entire album because i don't like a song or 2 lol
  8. at risk of being dragged again... me too please i didn't dl it when it was around earlier.
  9. This is good though people's brains are not the same so we won't get the same things from the same tracks SB just doesn't resonate with me in any way but I am standing on my bed leaning out of my skylight watching it get dark with GL on repeat
  10. I find it so interesting how different everyone feels about the songs (: I absolutely adore groupie love but I'm still not really into summer bummer tbh I don't think I'll listen to it much, I liked coachella more when it first came out tbh lol
  11. I love being excited with other crazy fans too it's worth the negativity of lb just for days like today
  12. i have a samsung so no itunes and can't download new apps because my phone is so old and fucked so no x thanks for ur concern tho anyway chill lol i have preordered the physical cd and have done for every single one of lana's albums since btd so i aint no fake fan who doesn't support her.
  13. i can't get itunes or anything on my phone lol i already preordered the physical cd but obviously can't rip the songs for my phone yet and i want to be able to listen to them when i'm out of the house back the fuck off people
  14. i can't get itunes or any other official music player on my phone so i rely on dl links for my phone but then buy the physical album (I now have the 3 month trial of apple music but again, can't get it on my phone).
  15. is there a 320kbps picosong link for GL pleeeeeeeease
  16. does anyone have a hq picosong or st link for GL? I can't get apple music on my phone because I have a samsung ):
  17. GL sounds very much like it could be part of the untouchable 5 like has the same kind of vibe that's what I love about it such dreamy hazy vocals and atmosphere and rocky's verse is a really nice finishing touch tbh <3 this album will definitely be a close second to UV
  18. wish I could just go to sleep until the 21st now ): my boyf is coming the night before too so it's gonna be a mint weekend
  19. cherriesandwine

    Song vs. Song

    west coast vs groupie love
  20. 'this is my life, you by my side' reminds me so much of 'you got a way, like JFK'
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