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Everything posted by Lustrouslines

  1. i picture myself driving in cars with boys while i smoke a blunt listening to heroin under the night sky , the nice wind flowing through the car and picturing aeroplanes
  2. ARCADIA OMFG YOU'RE BACK , you've probably been back but hi & ily & i missed you
  3. i'm gonna just respect the people who didn't listen to the leak and stay quiet cause before I heard the leak i felt the same way they do , i will give ALL my opinions on friday
  4. feeling like some of the people on here will be bitches to those of us who wait to listen to the album the day it comes out and talk about it then
  5. i feel like waiting now, im too lazy to look for a link or anything
  6. It's going to leak , I did my tarot cards and the answer was "YES" to if the album will leak . I got the fool card representing foolishness as actual wisdom . my foolishness is thinking the album will leak but in reality I'm being wise because it will .
  7. A leak 2 days before the album is released will do NOTHING to the sales tbh .
  8. look at all these 219 users waiting for the leakage . I'd be dying if it never leaks but then again the leak is coming . I CAN FEEL IT .
  9. on my way to target !!! I'll let you know the results!!
  10. I have an intuition that i'm gonna walk up in there and see 3 CD copies of Lust For Life on the stands , I'd be cryptic if I find one and leak it for y'all
  11. Going to target today to see if I can snatch the CD early!
  12. Good luck ! it's painful ): But lust for life should clam you down
  13. I MADE AN INSTAGRAM FINALLY, @lustrouslines @lustrouslines @lustrouslines
  14. okay, in summer bummer is it "white lines and black beaches, white lies and black beaches" or "white lines and black beaches, white LIGHTS and black beaches"? I figured that white LIGHTS seems actually considerable because the booklet has the pictures of the white lights in the gas station which has me thinking her being on the road is another thing in this album. let's not forget the "we travel for weeks" line meaning she is on the road at some point and you eventually have to stop at the gas station, with the white lights overhead during night time.
  15. oh you're so sweet Christian daddy thanks love
  16. i'm hoping me and the others on here who has a birthday tomorrow are gifted with a surprise release of Cherry as a single
  17. Catch me if you can Working to get rid of the ban @@salvatore Dying by the hand Of Elle's ban This is why we're buddies
  18. whoops, thought it said bondage . but I like bonding too
  19. Arcadia can't speak with us at the moment because she got in trouble for glittering around in 20 pages, nothing leaked besides all the attention twinks who say they have the album , no news of substance , the most news we've gotten is how much we found out we love eachother on here. Oh and the news of AB trash talking lana.
  20. @ARCADIA GURL WE SUPPORT YOU , I know you're laughing your ass off and missing us too as we talk about you
  21. c/o 2019 ! Hopefully we get another Lana album when were close to graduating (:
  22. I would be so happy for her omg . I want this to happen!
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