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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. no it's fine she's gonna fix it on the packages next year when she rereleases all her albums for the 10th 11th anniversary of her career by repackaging with new artwork and unreleased songs for each album its coming i swear give me one chance
  2. why r u all discussing a name like she proclaimed her love for kim jong-un in lyrical form or sumn the song is cute lets just vibe p.s. this is the new danger babe/pink champagne moment
  3. me when the COCC video started leaking like an hour before it was supposed to come out on that russian website
  4. i want a new lanaboards theme with these gorgeous visuals personally this was a serve
  5. i will never be that feral to give a millionaire my money but if someone is releasing cute products (elizabeth) then maybe i'll attempt but a whole BOT
  6. fake leak scare and mass exodus of posts moved from here to random lana discussion nothing new nothing fresh
  7. the way i just copied and pasted and didn't read fully
  8. this was such a moment i miss the uv/hm eras why did this fight even start
  9. and the third time on march 24th when inevitably nothing happens and the album comes out on april 24th
  10. the one fake tracklist i made was taken semi seriously over a couple pages i'm proud of that there was nothing else to talk about tbh
  11. i remember the meltdowns in the lfl pre release thread when we saw it on the tracklist after a number of users convinced themselves it was a fun promo single what a fun pre release
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