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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. don’t users report leaks rather than the website itself on hasitleaked aka it’s not reputable aka it hasn’t leaked i’m sure if it actually leaked it would be all over d word website in minutes
  2. been at work all day so haven’t read the thread but that instagram account posting snippets... what i mean i get it’s hardly relible at all but the snippets sound like lana so where are they coming from lol
  3. i think they enable her lazy behaviour in relation to promo. we've seen the promo dua gets and if ben and ed pushed her to promote to that level it would happen. i think they’re at equal faults n e wayz 48 HOURS TILL WHITE DRESS
  4. HONEYMOON V2 WE WON i feel like this album has the same lowkey vibe as honeymoon and uv i cant even describe it... her top 3 album incoming
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