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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. omg got tix for london whos going ladies
  2. being a stan doesn't mean you have to kiss lanas ass with everything she does. everything is subjective and if someone thinks its bad thats their opinion i guess
  3. i think it looks fanmade. i dont like the logo either. i love the visuals we actually got to be honest
  4. i still dont get the point in vertical videos but miss diamandis looks great
  5. whos taking one for the team and getting a job at interscope and sucking the ceos dick to get album info
  6. i think its a digital download
  7. all of this is making me so nervous for the uk presale
  8. not sure about other dates but london will cost £25-£30 https://twitter.com/RoyalAlbertHall/status/1096338700785586176
  9. i still dont get why yall thirst over yosemite so much it sounds boring
  10. she had signed cd's as well as the signed box sets. she had a few signings as well but i doubt she'll do anymore signings/meet and greets
  11. im crying are we really this deprived of news that were talking about eye colour
  12. remember when people thought nfr was coming in january, then february that was a classic
  13. i really hope nothing leaks. marina doesn't deserve another froot situation
  14. its really happening huh
  15. new website design is up + pre-order! tour dates are being added i think
  16. i cant imagine her having interludes and outfits this tour i dont actually know why. i really hope she does
  17. so ladies do we think this tour will be minimal (chilled out/no costumes/no real "set") or neon nature esque? i know she said she was going to have backup dancers but i think it will be similar to lanas
  19. all of y'all saying there will be news this week/next week/etc when we all know full well we aint getting nothing till march 29th comes and goes
  20. ugh i just want another FROOT style 7" boxset
  21. i mean i know but it would be nice to hear it from marina herself
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