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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. idc what you all say there is absolutely no way she isn't doing this intentionally. she knows what shes doing and shes continuing to do it on purpose. maybe hillsong really did make her homophobic huh. i mean she didn't acknowledge pride month
  2. i remember when we hit 1000 pages and everyone was thinking "haha how funny would it be if we hit 2000 pages that would be so funny" with us thinking there was absolutely no way lana would let it take that long well here we are almost at 2000 pages
  3. found this on twitter i dunno if its makeup but her top lip looks very big in the bottom right
  4. i've lost all interest in this puta lmk when she stops being boring and actually releases something worth giving my time to
  5. im the only person who hates textless covers tbh
  6. i really wouldn't be surprised if the delay is about the name we all know miss thing is the most stubborn woman on the planet and tbh shes probably just sulking because execs told her to change the name
  7. this is her revenge for yall trashing her album
  8. i hate instagram suck up stans so fucking much UGH
  9. OMGGG MORE UK DATES I AM LIVING if anyone needs a presale code lmk
  10. immortal being one of her best with such an underrated video
  11. because she thinks it makes her look poetic when really its embarrassing
  12. yall when you say you hate her new music and songs are bad
  13. didn't some of y'all say lfl was gonna be her best album and it'll be worth the wait last time this situation happened because...
  14. @ everyone i dont think many people have an issue with the wait for the album, i myself dont mind the wait. i just think people (including myself) are tired of being left in the dark with nothing. lana needs to stop making promises that shes not keeping and ignoring fans just asking for one bit of news or being left with no explanation for being left in the dark the whole "album out top of the year" situation is just so unprofessional and shows a complete disregard for fans when they're the ones paying your fuckin bills and for your gross matcha tea. im not trying to be negative im just saying i can be a stan and still call out lana for her bullshit anyways
  15. daily reminder we (still) dont have the you demo #justiceforYEW
  16. the best song shes done in a while and 1. she didn't even write it 2. it wont be on the album once again im boo boo the fool
  17. it sounds so GOOD i need her to be serving this not piano ballads
  18. this puta same earrings and ring on her left hand i'm out ladies! just when we thought she was getting less lazy ._.
  19. i want miss thing to do a 1920's esque jazz album
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