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Posts posted by howtobeaheartbreaker

  1. B2b and VD remix are my fav things from this era so far, but all of the other tracks are great. It feels like she's not quite experimenting, but sort of actualizing the lane she's already carved out for herself.

  2. 11 hours ago, KimKaDAB said:

    Guardian was only scrapped from the album but she always planned in released the song even as a standalone single or in the ntmt reissue


    Her mom said is Sky favorite song she has ever done so it probably will never be scrapped 

    Is the NTMT reissue confirmed? I've seen it discussed here multiple times, but I always assumed it was hypothetical. I'd love Guardian, Pretty Dull, and I'm Not Alright to make it on.

  3. It's very interesting to hear the discourse about Marina being political in her music because it feels like most people mark it as a distinction that happened somewhere later into her career, but I felt like one of the things that astounded me about her sound back in the early 2010s was her outspokenness. For me personally, I think what's changed is that her lyrics feel so on the nose nowadays. Electra Heart is an explicitly feminist album, and TFJ is very critical of popular culture in the West (and how that affected coming of age of a millennial woman). It feels almost as if her life has ran out of the drama that fueled EH/TFJ, and she has to now draw upon those impersonal experiences in her songwriting to make vague statements about the human race and far away countries. FROOT was a good album, and L+F was kind of faceless, but both albums feel like she held back as a means to prove (perhaps to herself?) that she's no longer that crazy girl wearing the blonde wig, masquerading as a Stepford wife. Ancient Dreams on the other hand felt like an attempt to recapture the drama of her earlier career, though that felt very transparent and it didn't quite meet those expectations. I think that the best thing for Marina to do is surround herself with interesting people and experience life at its fullest, and that's when we'll get music that reaches her early days. I truly believe that Marina's career could re-peak again, but that's up to her. She's seemed to have settled down, so I'm expecting the best we'll get is a cute bop on a mid album here and there. That's fine. After the pain she went through that fueled TFJ/EH, I don't blame her for safeguarding herself. Though sometimes I do fear her insecurities have burnt bridges (cc: familiar FROOT)...

  4. I'm kind of obsessed with how Charli's tweet to me during a q&a back in the day is the only recollection we have of a TR title track. I asked her about it in today's q&a to see if we'll ever hear it & mentioned it never leaked but lightning never strikes the same place twice I guess

  5. 43 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

    Also can we leave de 2 minute long songs in 2022? I know Its all about the streams, but Its getting tired already, and I feel like It takes out of the cuality of the songs (they are cuting short intros, bridges and autros that can elevate de sound) but thats me personally 



    Flashbacks to Charli cutting a verse from I Finally Understand because "it felt too long" :air:  The Tik Tokification of song lengths has really validated her short song fetish I fear


  6. I honestly think it's just mismanagement on her record label's end since Masochism isn't out yet. Like if a record label was able to pry two albums from SZA, who I would say is equally a perfectionist and vocal about it as much as Sky, then her record label should be able to steal the flash drive. So I can't blame her entirely.


    Though one thing I wish for her is that she was more confident. I feel like she isn't parting ways with Masochism because she has this vision that exists for it that is honestly probably beyond what even a blank cheque from her label could make executable. But at this point she could release a sub-ideal Masochism and then put her creative mind to work on a third record that actually scratches those creative itches she has. She's too afraid to fail, too afraid to fly. I think she would learn something from that if she would just put out an album imperfect to her standards!


    At the end of the day I am still going to enjoy whatever she does. I don't think her music would have this much of an appeal if she were any other way. It almost feels like the most perfect performance art. Everything about Masochism is masochistic. There's a beautiful sort of realness to it. I almost even prefer it this way than if Sky were consistently releasing music every two years. Rather than ending up like a moderately washed up Tumblr girl (:illumarina:) whose releases seem to live in the shadow of their golden era peak, Sky creates this never ending mystery that keeps giving with a decent single release promoting this elusive album every few years. She'll always have that cool unavailability of a truly troubled artist!


    Honestly, overall, I just wish that this lady would be happy in this life.

  7. 8 minutes ago, XCX Archivist said:

    its probably on heartbreaks and earthquakes

    No it's not, I just found it though, "I'm Not Sorry", such a cute little moody track

  8. Question for the culture - I remember sometime in the past couple of years a song leaked, and it was kind of rough (may have been mostly just acapella, probably under 2 minutes long?) where there's a lyric along the lines "I'm sorry for all the heartbreaks, I'm sorry for all of the earthquakes" - it might have been from 2012-2014? Does anyone know the title of this track?

  9. 1 hour ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

    Are we getting a new album soon? Her spotify profile picture and cover photo are so good, it can't just be for nothing?

    I want another concept album like LP1 and Magdalene. I think Caprisongs was just a mixtape wasn't it? I always forget it exists...


    if we're seeing the same thing, those pics were taken from the Pampelmousse video 


  10. 17 hours ago, blameitonme said:

    charli said she wants to stay in the crash era til december….i’m interested in what she’s going to do next as these festival dates are wrapping up soon ish


    maybe a final single/collab? or a video….


    Would love if she did a super deluxe (tack on OUT OUT, Hot In It, Hot Girl) with a few extra tracks (Sweat, some rejects, etc.) but I think I'm just greedy 


  11. 13 minutes ago, EmptyPromises said:




    17's lyrics are whack and wrong and the industry is so predatory to all these young girls 


    I had a moment last year where I listened to that song and deep down connected some dots that made me understand why she's been so absent from the industry 

  12. I actually thoroughly enjoyed everything from this era so far. Sometimes Shygirl needs to be actually shy. Yes she served us countless music to get pounded to, but this is music to lay back and lightly get eaten out to.

  13. Since we are on page 6000 I felt like taking this historic occasion to promote something that is largely ignored in the XCX canon which is that girls and girls and boys and the Southern Comfort from your comforter got destroyed... Perhaps it was shady eyes with the violent noise, in the graveyard digging where the love is void...


    But who am I to speak on such a cause. 



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