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Posts posted by hornymoon

  1. leak tko, round and round, no angel, daddy knows and I'll come out to my religious parents




    also angel babez did cum 2 my party and lizzy hq leak? I've just awaken from my coma

  2. She was avsouletly glowing tonight the cherry earrings were cute and the outfit was a let down.. was so shook when she sang yayo but then she gave up towards the end and i was like oh ok.. also screaming at how she still does love acapella because she "hasnt rehearsed it enough" i rlly get the vibe she doesn't like this eras songs that much, she also said ultraviolence is her favourite record shes done before going into SoC. My big big qualms about tonight were the 4 hour waiting time when we got in the arena people were like fainting and staff had to give out sugar sachets.. it was digusting to keep fans waiting standing for so long is this normal place for lana?? I nearly blacked out lmao srry if this is too long just wanted to get it out

  3. Hi angelz im on the train to the lorna concert but did anything else leak besides paris?


    Side note but this morning i heard someone blast break the rules outside my house and some 6 yr old was catching her life to it which one of u girls was it?

  4. he's a scammer!!!!!!

    oh whats tea girlie..... tell usz! lol i mean i wasnt expecting that they will be No Angel (leak it babes).mp3 because theyre a bjork stan lol




    please report the following link to fckyeahcharli: https://dbr.ee/biTN




    (also to whoever said 'that's not the noonie demo' idk who noonie is but it could be anyone)

    love it but I need the charli verison NOW so I can report it to fckyeahCharli also why does the person singing sound like 45 yr old woman 


  6. ok girls where's cum 2 my party and the final version of bounce? I'm a very anal girl and I hate not having a complete album


    Ring was actually for Whitney Houston but she said it was too emotional for her to sing and gave it back to Choli

    does that mean charli's a witch that contacts the dead? I like the darkness 



  7. right girls, roll out no angel and come to my party and we can call it a day till it's the exchange tracks make it out.

    come back ultrasubeclipse, come and celebrate the eclipse

    i agree lets keep our expectations low and just wait for the bare minimum and maybe some gay will bless us all


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