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Everything posted by TrashMagiq

  1. just tuned in i honestly do not know what this event even is so far im bored as fck but slay
  2. TrashMagiq

    Kim Petras

    coconuts been stuck in my head all day… her evil plan is working
  3. TrashMagiq


    i hate the album cover the red eyes make her look like an albino rabbit
  4. I like Happy Loner. That piano is Very classic Marina which I love. Lyrically it’s kinda weak tho but the emotion’s there.
  5. More interesting song. The fact that the deluxe just adds more slow songs (which is the last thing this album needs) is very underwhelming to me. I’m excited for Pink Convertible but that’s it. I also really don’t care about demos being included in a deluxe, but that’s just me.
  6. It was too over the top for me. It would’ve fit well if they made the overall movie more over the top (like I thought they would’ve) but his performance felt jarring at times.
  7. Also this movie fully made me side with this fictionalized version of Patrizia Reggiani like I was fully on her side TBH. No thoughts on the real person tho that's a whole mess.
  8. Just saw this movie it was kinda shit tbh but Gaga absolutely killed it & I hate Jared Leto. Anyways overall I liked it. Was it good? No. Was it bad? Kinda! But I was entertained. I feel like the movie took itself too seriously cause it was based on true events & an actual person died. If they went all the way with the over the top soap opera approach this movie would've been so good. What are y'alls thoughts?
  9. ADIAML title track still one of the best songs released this year but overall ADIAML’s a 6/10 for me. I do still think a good deluxe could improve this album a lot but I feel like she’s just gonna tack a few new slow songs at the end of the album & it won’t really have much impact. Like literally all this album needs for me to make it a Good album is a few more upbeat songs like ADIAML and Venus Fly Trap (or sonically like New America/PTP but NOT with those corny ass lyrics) & a better tracklist order.
  10. I remember hearing West Coast for the first time on a youtube vid of her Coachella set & I did not like it lol. I was like 12 and not aware of anything so I didn’t really have that much of a reaction to the change in sound, I just remember being like hmm idk about this one... I do remember finding the whole new aesthetic very badass tho lmao. Then when the other singles came out I was so obsessed with them, especially Shades of Cool like that was my Song like I was so blown away by it it was the best thing I ever heard. Ended up loving the album, but for some reason West Coast was just at the bottom for me.. It became a fav like 2 years later tho. Kinda wild cause now it’s literally one of my all time favorite songs.
  11. guess we’re ranking albums again TFJ>EH>FROOT>ADIAML>L+F I can agree with that top 3 in any order but ADIAML and L+F aren’t touching those 3 albums
  12. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    Bullets is so good omg if there’s a more final version out there with Charli’s vocals I need it desperately
  13. the trio interlude, dealer and moments like the BBS and LL outros are what make this album so interesting to me. They give it life tbh.
  14. was bored so i made my own LFL tracklist (basically the original with songs taken out & songs put in)
  15. I'm gonna ignore the question and talk abt the songs I wish she included in already released albums BTD: Serial Killer, You Can Be The Boss and Queen of Disaster would've fit in so well Paradise: ITTJ, if Paradise just had 1 more song it would've been a perfect length album. The fact that it has 9 instead of 10 always annoyed me lol. UV: Your Girl. Should've been included hands down. UV era has a lot of amazing unreleased songs but this is the only one I feel would fit UV perfectly. It wouldn't even have to be reworked. Honeymoon's perfect as is. SYTH would've been a cute addition but idk how it would fit in. LFL: RBFY & the original TNBAR! Serene Queen's one of my fav unreleaseds but it would probs make the lack of cohesion even worse on that album. NFR: RBFY! If not LFL then NFR. COCC: RBFY! literally give me this song BB: Fine China & SYTH. They would've fit in perfectly. Especially Fine China. Also RBFY! Anyways I'd like to see Serene Queen be included in a future album but it would have to be a monster of an album to be able to pull off a song that excellent in the tracklist tbh. Also RBFY.
  16. TrashMagiq

    Doja Cat

    anyone got a working masterpost? the one i was using's down
  17. if only the album title was too
  18. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    I never got why people wanted that song on the album so bad during HIFN era cause it sounded terrible to me lol I was glad she scrapped it. Then it leaked & I loved it & thought it should've been on the album lmao. The version that leaked's hands Down the superior version.
  19. It looks so awkward to me. She should’ve kept the Purge the Poison cover for the deluxe. Now That was a cover.
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