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Posts posted by rollwithme

  1. I’m just hoping that Charli/her team sees this as actual feedback and not an attack like in the past


    obviously we’re all upset with this rollout, but for every tweet/post that is like “stop complaining you’re just too online!! This rollout isn’t meant for you it’s meant for the GP to gain interest” just tries to silence the actual points we’re trying to make and hopefully Charli can see past those rebuttals


    Our opinions are valid and should be respected as such. This isn’t like the Sam Smith situation where the hate for them in general was louder than the actual dislike for the song itself.

  2. 8 minutes ago, headztrong said:

    The person who leaked the song said the album is coming out august 2nd :noparty:

    My pitchfork is sharpened and ready I’ve had enough :eartha2:

  3. with the way she worded the description, it makes me think this isn’t the album but more of a bsides release or demos/extra tracks released as an exclusive

  4. 6 hours ago, BlackTulip74 said:

    Oh will it be officially released? How do we know?


    3 hours ago, mmarrythenight said:

    Boiler room pretty much confirmed they are dropping a recording of the set, i think that’s what they mean

    Also Apple Music uploads the official audio of every Boiler Room set into full albums with the tracks labeled and split up.

  5. 45 minutes ago, pin up galore said:


    bop, super repetitive (no new lyrics), i personally love this but i feel like reactions will be split"

    -GardenPanty on ATRL who from what ive seen is pretty reliable? unless not lmao :rip: neways im grateful for anything longer than 2:30 like anthems is 2:52 and that song is like the perfect length for the type of track it is 

    I’m confused is this about Von Dutch or something else?

  6. “i have something for you tmrw :)”

    hoping for an album announcement but it seems more likely she’ll put up the Von Dutch vinyl for ordering tomorrow

  7. 9 minutes ago, brandon said:

    okay looks like it’s directed by torso.solutions on insta


    looks like they mostly direct ad campaigns? but they directed 


    Could be cute. But I really hope this isn’t another one of those videos where the concept is better on paper than in real life (like 2099)


    Paired with a wild video shot at Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport, in which Charli jumps off the wing of the world’s largest passenger plane, an Airbus A380

    that quote has me worried that she came up with the plane gimmick and just made up the rest of the video around that, so I hope I’m wrong

  8. 23 minutes ago, venicebitch said:

    i just checked and that event they uploaded today is from fucking NOVEMBER... its over for us:bebe:

    I think those are more for the smaller boiler room tour dates and not necessarily the bigger names.


    100 gecs did their set on March 5th last year and the video was uploaded on March 25th.


    hopefully the fact that this was the most RSVPs in boiler room history means there’s some priority for a quicker upload 

  9. 28 minutes ago, MezcalPapi said:

    Do we have any live recordings at least in semi-HQ? I haven’t been online and missed omg

    There’s 5 videos in pretty good quality on 360_brat

  10. 58 minutes ago, twitter said:

    What was everyone's favorite song played last night? :flutter:


    The new remix of the WTMI Remix sounded amazing 

    Sittin in ya :dancedy:

    sittin in ya :dancedy:

    dad’s basement :dancedy:

    while ya- :dancedy:

    sittin in ya :dancedy:

    sittin in ya :dancedy:

    dad’s basement :dancedy:


    ? with Addison in Melrose :beyonce:

    and bought some cute clothes :beyonce:

    ? with Addison in Melrose :beyonce:

    and bought some cute clothes :beyonce:

  11. I’ve been waiting for an album of club bangers since the Vroom Vroom EP released so if this is actually happening I truly cannot contain my excitement - and probably why this ~no info~ rollout is even more upsetting knowing this could be her best work

  12. I had a dream last night that she surprised released the album right after boiler room. It was called “Mixtape 365” with the og 360_brat pink icon for the cover and it was 20 tracks long.


    i was so sad when i woke up and realized :heidi:

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