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Everything posted by its

  1. its

    Charli XCX

    yeah it is but i think it's recycled from sucker
  2. its

    Charli XCX

    I'm a Dream https://dbr.ee/1k0W umm so apparently it's a sucker outtake and this is not... good...
  3. its

    Charli XCX

    Also does anyone have a good remaster of Round and Round? Mine cuts off in the beginning...
  4. its

    Charli XCX

    wait did someone finally make an extended PTB? I think I only have the 1 min "snippet" but it bops hard! can you link me to the full one?
  5. its

    Charli XCX

    oh and i know that this is actually not charli's vox but can the studio version of this leak too pls thx
  6. its

    Charli XCX

    we already have really good remasters of no angel, taxi, and round and round... yet the only recording of party 5 u still has TOKYO WASSUP... i'm voting for party 6 u studio to leak first thx
  7. its

    Charli XCX

    i don't think he actually has the track though? doesn't he just make instrumental and remixes?
  8. its

    Charli XCX

    but i high key wanna be in the basement with charli tho
  9. its

    Charli XCX

    Oh and also Dirty Sexy Money CDQ (.mp3) https://dbr.ee/1tJ2 iTunes (.m4a) https://dbr.ee/OGbI they're the same song just download one of em
  10. its

    Charli XCX

    hey gays I've already uploaded my masterpost in google drive and mega so do whatever you gays want with it I should also probably delete dirty sexy money snippets now that it's released but i'll do it later https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-g4SiGagLsWUi1IWWpsQnIxTmc
  11. its

    Charli XCX

    oh yeah then the amazon and itunes link is definitely off cos it makes so much more sense for it to be released on Thursday. It's just 1.5 hrs for me til midninght in GMT +7 so I'll see if it's already out on spotify. Are there no aussies here? or are they all asleep lol
  12. its

    Charli XCX

    wait it's gonna be released on a saturday then? hmm that's odd since songs usually release on Fridays to get more charting potential but ok sis
  13. its

    Charli XCX

    Where's Dirty Sexy Money??? Isn't it already midnight in Australia/New Zealand?
  14. its

    Charli XCX

    this tragedy https://scontent-sin6-2.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/22794412_336463496819069_3495596332284903424_n.jpg
  15. its

    Charli XCX

    but I think what he meant was to like play trophy first, and then a transition, and then TKO? not just mashing up the two songs into one song
  16. its

    Charli XCX

    here's the burn rubber file that i have https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-g4SiGagLsWdTVDSEthVl9CY1k and i think it's actually an opus rip? not too sure tbh but it does sound decent enough. Yeah I guess you have to speed up RWM but I don't think it's that hard? You already have RWM 320 kbps right?
  17. its

    Charli XCX

    how do you know I'm not choli :eye: also google drive link is up if anyone just wanna download one song at a time! google drive link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-g4SiGagLsWUi1IWWpsQnIxTmc
  18. its

    Charli XCX

    hey gays since Idk when paris is ever gonna upload his/her masterpost, I've decided to upload mine (most of it comes from his/her anyway) https://we.tl/k0Kt0JDINa IF ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN UPLOAD IN FASTER SPEED PLEASE LET ME KNOW COS WETRANSFER IS KINDA SLOW AND THE LINK IS GONNA DIE IN 7 DAYS The folders are divided into 4 parts: - Unreleased Studio: HQ/MQ audio files of her songs, but I've put some tracks like Daddy Knows and Run 4 Ur Money there anyways even though Charli isn't even singing but there are LQ live/leaked tracks of Charli singing so why not and they're total BOPS anyways - Unreleased Snippets: Some of the snippets are tagged by Dennis and will probably never see the light of day (although some did and I should probably delete them anyways). - Unreleased Live: Live recordings of unreleased songs like Party 4 U and some of the tracks are also remastered like No Angel and Taxi - Unreleased Discord Leaks: Oh boy... A SHIT TON of very LQ recordings of Demo and unreleased and unknown tracks. If you add these files to iTunes I've added several speculated titles on the songs, notably David Guetta's Dirty Sexy Money which is gonna be released this Friday!!! If you actually have time, definitely listen to those unknown songs cos they are BOPS, especially #1, 4, 6-9, 24-25 If you have anymore unreleased/leaked stuff let me know and I'll try to add them.
  19. its

    Charli XCX

    that pre chorus literally has guitar strums playing in chords r u deaf and yes eyelar is singing that track but when charli sang the live version she used that version with this guitar strums
  20. its

    Charli XCX

    https://youtu.be/fc_5IudWnQc?t=21s daddy knows says hi
  21. its

    Charli XCX

    literally just repeat the song twice.
  22. its

    Charli XCX

    okay all u gays complaining for more leaks when we FINALLY HAVE FUCKING TKO IN STUDIO QUALITY AFTER ALMOST 1 FUCKING YEAR OF LISTENING TO THE LIVE RECORDINGS srsly why can't we be grateful for ONCE
  23. its

    Charli XCX

    Hey can you do a mix of RWM with Burn Rubber please just like the way SOPHIE does in her sets? If you need the files for Burn Rubber lemme know
  24. its

    Charli XCX

    umm no? they're the smart one charging 400$ for a shitty 128 kbps song... it's the ari stans that are dumbasses for buying a 128 kbps song for 400$
  25. its

    Charli XCX

    omg... this is actually not bad? but does anyone have an untagged one? this is the one I found http://picosong.com/w3ZjD/ NVM FOUND AN UNTAGGED ONE http://picosong.com/w3Zmq/
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