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About WestCoastLDR

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  • Birthday 09/09/1998

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  • Interests
    Hardcore Lana Fan, Vegan, Book Lover
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  1. Yes I agree! I saw her perform it live for the first time at my very first concert (the one in AZ from 2013-2014?), she was amazing and it was my first time hearing it. It was amazing.
  2. Oh okay cool, while we're here where did you find that HQ pic of her smoking? I used to have it but now I can't find it:( btw, I'm guessing West Coast is one of your favorite songs by Lana? Because that's how I came up the username lmao
  3. What? I'm new here I don't know what you're talking about lmao
  4. Born to Die: "Fate don't fail me now, take me to the village line." instead of "Feet don't fail me now, take me to the finish line." Bel Air: "All them trees in the light" instead of "palm trees in the light" LMAO
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