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Your Girl Lana

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Posts posted by Your Girl Lana

  1. THIS


    Thank you, it drives me insane when people deny it. We're not insulting her for it, it's just stating facts!



    Anyway. Guys. PLEASE.

    Lana. Has. Lip. Injections. Her lips didn't inflate because she gave a thousand blow jobs. They didn't plump up that much from cayenne pepper. She. Got. Lip. Injections. Look at old pictures of her, and then look at ones from the Vogue photoshoot. It is so obvious that I am in physical pain every time I see someone make up an excuse for why her lips are naturally that big. Seriously. Please use your brains here. Lana has lied about a lot already so what makes you think she isn't lying about her lips? She got a nose job, too. Seriously guys.

    I was kiding about the bjbs...We can't deny that she did collagen and a nose jobe...But it's her choice


    Why? I think photos are more personal than music videos and song leaks, tbh. She made the songs and videos to be seen or heard, the photos are private

    lol...I'm talking of the photos that are at the net...it's impossible do not see them at tumblr...but the Musics and the videos I can not listen or see then, by not clicking at the play :)
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