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Everything posted by BabyBlue

  1. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    Can someone make a version of Bounce with this version https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yjvpJXFBV4nOqtqfECqYuQrSqemBoyMa And swap it's intro and bridge with this one's https://drive.google.com/open?id=1REoInjN-g7tIYF2vyhy178wi3xN-d1De Please!
  2. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    It's the same production, just a white gay virgin screaming over it
  3. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    ❤️It's like you stole the emotion out of me and put it into words❤️ Don't be homophobic
  4. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

  5. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    Her pink Chun-Li outfit she performed Round and Round in says hi
  6. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    How do you even access it? Is it like DeepWeb dot com? Lol
  7. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    These people are so pressed. You should make another cover
  8. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    lol has Britney ever sang live?
  9. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    ad hominem. Lol so easy to trigger Britney twinks.
  10. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    Just because Britney sucked a dick at 16 and got a record deal in the '90s doesn't mean she's talented. She used to dance well, and that effort slipped away.
  11. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    I'm 26, she's trash. Next!
  12. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    Yea and they have them in lossless quality wav format
  13. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    That album is trash. You would've almost had an argument if you said Femme Fatale.
  14. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    Lol yea and we can make @@diplo and @dennis the ugliest people ever, with Trump supporter hats and shit.
  15. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    I'm still surprised no one has tried remastering Up N Down using Noonie's version.
  16. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    That will just grow the thirst for Charli's vocals, I mean we have 3 versions of Daddy Knows and it's still not enough for some people who need Charli's vocals That's probably the hackers plot. They probably hacked her drive in advance and had the songs, then in August realized nothing new was being uploaded and leaked the songs and snippets in hopes she would change the album, and it worked. What's monstrous and fucked up is that now only the little holes @dennis and @@diplo have these songs and Charli won't release what is already in other's hands
  17. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    I don't think anyone was expecting a release or needed an obvious explanation. I think we were just triggered cause it said "Track" instead of Round and Round or some variation of that
  18. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    Yea but let's channel anger on that Diplo bitch, not each other ❤️
  19. Well, this was fun y’all but I’m letting go of any hope meth girl is ever gonna release anything or be awesome like she was before 2013.
  20. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    So she had it licensed as Track?
  21. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    lol Call me when every female artist post 2008 hasn't already shat and annhilated Britney. Gaga, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Katy B, Ariana Grande, ADELE, women with real voices. She doesn't get me "seething", she literally ripped off a Drake song for her sleep over abortion. Spears has been done since '06. If your favorite artists can't write their own songs or sing live, don't even quote me. Anyway hey cunt @@diplo leak Round and Round.
  22. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    White Roses would be perfect for Britney.
  23. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    Yes, it would actually be perfect for her high voice.
  24. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    Not my member title being BabyBlue and lessors like Diplo thinking I stan Sky Ferreira LOL How is making fun of Sky Ferreira changing the fact that Britney has ghost singers in her songs and literally every song has been written for her? It's also so easy to throw off people with an old avatar. Pretty sure we know Sky is DONE. But see I'm not delusional, I know Sky Ferreira is done. Unlike Britney fans who cling to 1999.
  25. BabyBlue

    Charli XCX

    What's so great about Britney Spears? Her lip sync? Her fat extra skin hick neck she tries to hide with hair and necklaces? I thought we all collectively agreed that she's trash after 2008 when people with real talent and voices were signed. #Confused
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