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Posts posted by DominicMars

  1. The same reason people post and discuss their favorite songs/albums on this fucking discussion board. It's human nature to find similarities and look for different opinions to form their own personal bias. 


    And your second point is true, you don't need to care about what he says. It's fine. You can love BtD for filth and not like his review- hell you can agree with his review and still like the damn album. There's no laws against it. 


    But there's no reason to come for people who are interested in watching/reading reviews/critique's of whatever the hell they want. If you find it unproductive and a waste of time it's an even BIGGER waste of time to try and shut it down. 


    And I can guarantee you Fantano is not a "rando scrub". You don't get a million subscribers with consistent active views and rake in minimum 30k to a potential of 500k for a salary being a washed out nonfactor music critic. He's referenced in many respected online sites and music articles. Hell, the guy is fucking employed via Complex. I don't even like him but it's just pure ignorance to try and disqualify the dude's character or what he's done and the impact he's made in his respective career

    Ohh! ok I get it! You can have an opinion, but if I disagree I'm ignorant! riiiiiight. I had a long-ass response written out but I realized it's a waste of time, being that your post is barley coherent and you pulled a bunch of shit out of your ass that I never said. I don't care about this rando scrub. I don't even know (or care) who he is [hence why I call him a rando scrub]


    I certainly don't have the time google the employment of rando (scrub) youtube reviewers. The number of subscribers that a reviewer has/how much he could !~!!!~~~~potentially make~~~ doesn't make a difference to me.



    Youtube reviewers are a dime a dozen and your reply was both ignorant and hilarious



    PS youtube reviewers are a dime a dozen.

  2. To be fair he has 1 million followers and even tours the world. I dont know what he does, i assume he lectures about music? reviewing? youtubing? ect. I dunno, but he came down to Australia a couple years ago and he was part of some festival thing i think.

    Oohhhhh okk! Honestly i didnt know that. That may very well be true!! I just think that a Z-List youtuber's opinion is neither here nor there tbh. :) I can't be fucked to look up his ~credentials~ but I disregard many reviewers like him -- I mean I just think this guy (and other youtuber reviews regardless of followers) are irrelevant to me.


    I'm  just not somebody that will sit and watch what somebody else thinks about an album in video form???? the whole thing is weird to me tbh



    and also to be fair I think many print reviews can be utter bullshit too! I think the best thing to do is think critically from both sides!! :) idk

  3. oh my god the Target edition is horrible. those fold-out poster-booklets are the worst

    Omg I just bought the Target edition and YES I so agree wit u.


    I was thinking it would be a separate piece of paper! Idrc because I wasn't going on a hang it up or anything lol but I just looked at it like "wtf??".


    Honestly I'd rather have the Off Bloom remix of LFL as a bonus track (since we only have it in SC quality UGH) but other than that I have literally no complaints about this release ;) lol

  4. The tea is this wasn't even exclusive info & was on PPL all this time :hottie:


     Don't worry love I literally just searched lana on ACE Repertory and PPL Repertoire just a couple of a days ago!! <3 Lol Every once in a while a couple artists I've liked register their songs/remixes on there so I keep an eye out for LDR first and foremost

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