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Posts posted by FrankNotOcean

  1. wip:


    MELANCHOLIA (basically the album she would have released pre-Auerbach)

    1. Angels Forever, Forever Angels
    2. Hollywood
    3. Summer Wine (feat. Barrie O'Neill)
    4. Starry Eyed
    5. JFK
    6. I Don't Wanna Go
    7. Will You Still Love Me?
    8. Chelsea Hotel No. 2
    9. Black Beauty (Demo)
    10. Yes to Heaven
    11. Fine China

    going to try to add unreleased tracks to BTD, UV + Paradise as well to make "deluxe" editions as well


    Is Will You Still Love Me? a Young and Beautiful demo or a completely different song? Either way can you DM me the version you use for this "album" please

  2. lmao last night I watched the VS show with some straight boys and one of them said Million Reasons was his jam and he was highkey living for the performance  :rip:

  3. ok no offence but why did Million Reasons get more promo than Perfect Illusion (which was the lead single off of Joanne)..... like the song is really good but why tf would you play that to a Victoria Secret FS...

  4. So basically Fairy Dust is a 31-minutes long Moments music video


    dont come for me I liked it but you would have to pay me to make me watch it again

  5. She posted a teaser vid (probably for the new single)

    But it contains elements from Trainwreck AND Poltergeist, do we know which one is supposed to be the single?

  6. Its a really random question but


    What "Happy" means to you guys? like what do you feel its about?


    I've been listening to it lately cause I'm sort of in a bad place and I don't know why but I always feel pulled back to this song.. so I'm just curious how you guys feel about it

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