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Posts posted by Miguel3Zero

  1. She is very nervous about how Ultraviolence will be recieved, Has no one of you felt so nervous before doing something very important, like an exam or playing a football match, that you almost wished you were dead.  Or the suspense of waiting for the result of a HIV test. Some senior members on this board has always struck me as coldly intellectual. Mocking the highly emotianal Lana from their high horses. Well, she wouldn't be who she is or create the wonderful things she does if she was like you.

  2. Let's not forget that the "haters" have been a big inspiration for LDR. A song like Ride is a big fuck you to them.. She sits in the lap of giant biker, taunting her haters: " I know this will make you mad. . .hahaha". The hate has obvs. given us some beautiful bitter songs. But I'm sure LDR prefers to just be loved.

  3. LDR retarded? Sorry but you're wrong. I'll give you three key words. 1. Trolling. Lana is well known for joking with the journalists, and she's often been taking them for a ride. Usually they don't get it.". Irony: " you want me to say this so I*ll  just say it but in a twisted way that will make you uncomfortable" 3. Stubborn if you  are a journalist or a record Company director you will not be able to tell me what to say or do.

  4. I don't understand the hate for this wedding. They are entertainers. What could be more entertaining than this fantastic wedding. Now would I be more happy or rich if Kanye couldn't afford it? No, it's spectacles like this  that are what dreams are made of. Yes I'm only a peasant, but I need beautiful things. And what could be more beautiful than seeing my favourite singer at the palace of Versailles.

  5. If you're williing to do anything to get in front, then just show up early!! Wish you the best of luck! =)

    and give Lana some strong coffee, she has been with the Kardashians the whole night. i wonder if Kanyes private jet will even be on time. Flight time:15hours?

  6. Source, please? All I remember is her declining that she became famous due to sleeping with executives, cause "it's not 50's anymore" (or something like that). Can't find the article - was it on NME's website? It was from early Born to Die era, I think.

    Were there any more interviews on the topic?


    I think that the song might be ironic - after all, a lot of people don't want to see her talent and say that her daddy funded her career or that she would sleep with anyone to get famous...

    Now, thats a song I want to hear. Hopefully it's a punch in the face to the haters. just as naughty as cola. and now it's confirmed, Yesssssss

  7. I've make some little statistics:

    The countries where Lana is the most popular* (judging by Born to Die sales per inhabitants) are:


    1- United Kingdom (876 000 units sold for approximately 64 000 000 people)

    2- Germany (600 000 / 80 000 000)

    3- France (400 000 / 64 000 000)

    4- Australia (140 000 / 23 500 000)

    5- USA (1 000 000 / 318 000 000)

    6- Poland (100 000 / 39 000 000)


    * I only did the statistics for countries where Born To Die sold more than 100 000 copies

    very interesting list. maybe with UV she can sell more in the US. The Black Keys gives her a very American sound. I hope she wil give us some grand  heartbreaking songs that we like here in Europe.

  8. Ok, Idk but I find this era not really well planed.

    The single is out and there is no airplay, no interviews, no video so far while Lana is currently touring mid-sized or small venues.

    It just seems messy and it doesn't really get me in the mood for this album.

    I just have the impression that this era won't be handeled very well.


    Am I the only one?

    The music will speak for itself. If it's good the sales and interest in it will grow. Remember it took Born To Die two years to go platinum. Promotion campaigns will only work in the short time if the music is bad. Hype' s not worked out very well for her. She has gotten this far only on the quality of her as an artist.

  9. Do i really sound like I'm being sarcastic I'm pissed about this bullshit and everyone trying trallyo justify it 

    Lana is a steely business woman. she is very stubborn and won't compromise with her art. but like any other human being she needs to lose control sometimes. Don't take it so literally. Have you ever seen a picture of her with bruises.

  10. oh my god i think i know who it's about  :hdu:




    notice the cigarette brand in his palm rly resembles 



    lanalysis is back!  :legend:

    Poor Barrie, I think so too. He went with her to Paris 2012. If he's cuban . . .

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