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Posts posted by Miguel3Zero

  1. " sang it " really?  just a line or the whole song? A person can have an unreleased song in the drawer for ten years, and then give it to a movie director who rewrites it and adjust it to the movie he's making.. Is it eligible or not? What do you think?

    But most important of all: what is the purpose of your stubborn fight? Let me guess. 1, you're smarter than the people at the Academy Awards. 2. you really want Lana to fail. 3. you like to argue and Always makes sure to have the last word. 4. All of the above.

  2. You are twisting my words here and draw incongruous conclusions from what I wrote. If you want to judge her music as bad, like you implicate with this Mick Jagger analogy, you are free to do that, but I couldn't but disagree. 

    As you know I've never said that her music is bad. I like Royals. but have not yet listened to the rest of her album. What I really hate is that her arrogant words are being used to slam LDR. " Pure heroin is the the record Lana Del Rey wished Born to die was" Awful "journalism". Also I like to debate. nothing wrong with that I hope. On a positive note: I think that you like Madonna. I love her! Musically LDR has not yet reached her level. but visually no one can compete with Lana.

  3. Thank you. :lordejesus:


    And I would like to add that for a 17-year old, she seems a lot more mature than those constantly going on about how much she will never be somewhat significant. Also, given that she recorded The Love Club at age 15, that makes me ask myself: 'What the fuck did I do at age 15?' 

    I'm not saying she's accomplished more than some people ever will in their life, but at least she is doing something with it other than ranting for hours and hours on the internet. I suppose this is normal, though, when one [Lorde] is outspoken and eloquent. At age 17.


    While it's being discussed: I find her to be very beautiful, actually. I don't know what kind of fucked up beauty ideals some of you grew up with, but say that she is ugly would aesthetically be an insult to 98% of humanity. 

    So being a teenager is worth extra points in pop? I thought that music should just be judged as music no matter who's made it. If someone like Mick Jagger makes a bad record then we just could say: " It's really good for someone who is almost 70 years old" or " your grampa is 69, can he sing? No, Well in that case you should not criticize Mick!". I can understand your reasoning when an adorable 5 years old is singing. At seventeen a pop singer is judged against all other artists. " Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but she has really said some stupid things, I understand why some are angry.

  4. I don't think Lana is really that interested in selling the most records or her record being Number 1 for 14 weeks like other pop artists are. She had that with Born to Die and it was probably stressful having to promote it so much and having to deal with the backlash to something you love like she did that record. She barely promoted Paradise and in general, we haven't been hearing that much professionally from her this year. I hope she focuses on creating a record she loves and is proud of instead of making something she likes and that will sell well and make her beloved.

    She has said several times that she can't be rushed to write new songs and that she want's every song to be perfect for the album, so I mostly agree with you. However I think she is more complex than that. She has also proudly stated that her album is a multi-million seller and " I have even won several awards" She's aware that being a commercial success enables her to make beautiful and expensive music-videos where her dreams and visions comes alive. And don't forget the HM and Jaguar commercials. Other than that, the recent golden globe snub to be followed by an almost certain oscars snub has given me a really bad feeling. And do anyone REALLY believe that they will give her a grammy win. This will have consequences I'm afraid. . .

  5. If all the pessimists on LB are right about approx. release date for UV it spells big troubles for LDR. The long "vacation"' will automatically happen whether Lana wants it or not. Because, let's face it. 1. She can't tour arenas anymore with only old material, Interscope would never allow it. Only us stans would go and watch a second paradise tour. 2. With Tropico she exhausted all possibilities for any more videos from the paradise Ep. So the only thing left for a long time would be the random shots of her doing normal things like taking a walk etc. (just jared and others). People will move on to other artists and stuff, that's the way it works.

    I have always believed that LDR is a savvy business woman and a good marketing strategist as well. She knows the importance of keeping the public on their toes. So she "must" release UV early 2014, and by early I mean before the summer. If nothing happens there can only be two reasons in my opinion. 1. She knows that Born to die is a classic. She's worried that the new one will not be as brilliant. So she hesitates. If this is the case someone she trusts should calm her and give her faith, as I am sure UV is great enough.( better than 99% on the charts today). 2. She has lost all inspiration. Then there's nothing anybody can do. I don't believe this is the case though.

  6. I'm really glad that the " whiny " comments gave me low expectations. But it was a beautiful short film given to us for free. Can a person be more gorgeous than Lana? Beautiful with her fans at the premiere, she's a real American treasure. No, I don't like everything she does or say! But in my opinion she is judged more harshly than any other pop star.To me she embodies the best of America, which I happen to love: the drive, the energy, the poetry, the ambition. Lana Del Rey could only be American.

  7. No, I don't think this does really negate that criticism. Though she likes to premiere her videos in her own backyard (likely out of convenience), it doesn't change the fact that she still appears to avoid performing many US shows (seemingly out of spite or fear). It would be fair to say, "Omg, Lana you never do any non-American premieres!"




    While I'm on the topic, I think Europeans aren't always mindful of how large America is. The total area of the United States alone is almost as large as all of Europe combined. I routinely drive 7 hours each way to visit my in-laws without leaving my own state, just one of 50. For example, Los Angeles is over 1,800 miles (about 3,000 km) away from where I live as the crow flies. So when Lana performs on the west coast, it is over 300 miles (about 500 km) further from me than Lana's Istanbul show was from Londoners. New York is over 600 miles (about 1,000 km) the other way, further than Lana's Milan show from Londoners (and that's if you could drive straight across Lake Erie!)


    To put things in roughly equivalent European geographic terms, imagine you're an Italian living in Florence earlier this summer. Then imagine that Lana has performed in London four times, Moscow five times, and once in St. Petersburg, but that's it for Europe, and she hasn't performed anywhere in Europe for over a year, which is kind of weird because (in this analogy) Lana is European and of Italian nationality and sings about old Italy in a lot of her songs. Finally, she decides to play Rome. However, it's a large festival so it cost 70 euros and she's only scheduled to play a 45 minute set, but you get tickets anyway. Later, organizers of the festival schedule another show at a small venue in Rome, but you can't get tickets because the presale sold out before you even heard when it started because it was never publicly announced (only the festival's Facebook followers were notified less than 24 hours in advance). Nevertheless, you consider yourself lucky. It could be worse. At least you don't live in Poland or the Czech Republic or something. However, now imagine Lana has toured America extensively (hell, she even performed more times in one particular state than all of Europe combined!), yet some fucking Yank on a forum (who even happens to be from that state!) has the balls to tell not just you, but even the Poles and Czechs, "Meh, quit yer bitching. Lana's toured Europe plenty."


    Or to put it in Aussie terms, this would be almost like telling people from Melbourne that they should be happy because their favorite artist has performed in Perth a bunch of times.



    Typically straw men accusations. Every true Lana fan wants Lana to to tour the US.

  8. I just realized how shallow Lana is. I mean, you can see she definitely writes about her men all the time.. Definitely seems to be inspired about their looks. And we are looking at the sometimes bad relationships portrayed in her songs and I honestly think that she thinks that they're too beautiful, it doesn't matter if they are fuck ups. Then with her stage name. It sounded beautiful. All her icons she honestly doesn't seem to know too much about but she's inspired by their face, a quick listen of a song.


    Her video clips, she said she was inspired about how they looked, while most people would choose them for the significance, I think Lana's videos really appeal because they're different and beautiful because she chose clips for their beauty. Also, her clothing choices. I think she thinks each clothing item looks great on their own and puts them together (example blue maxi dress with loafers) and doesn't think about if they look good together, because those are her favorite clothing pieces, they're pretty, Etc.


    And then definitely all her talk about being electric, alive and shit - her adjectives and adverbs and verbs are so grandiose I would feel ridiculous using them. But she doesn't because she has a little bit of a shallow mind. That's why we see such weird imagery and such vivid imagery in her songs.


    And then the smoking. I don't think she thinks about the health cons, but rather how it looks..kinda maybe the reason she started smoking? Her weird ass technicolor tropico and dialogue and shit all that shit appeals to her BECAUSE SHE IS SHALLOW. Yes, I think she is a smart person in some aspects, but her shallowness overwhelms me sometimes.


    And then all that trailer trash stuff, I think those flamingoes and flowers were just so pretty to her maybe a reason she fixated in them. Definitely her weird descriptions of herself on her myspace and Facebook were because those things just looked and sounded beautiful.

    She's an entertainer, a very good one. Beautiful scenery and great music IS very entertaining. Maybe she aims at entertaining both herself and the audience.

    She's very visual and she's giving us her visions, I feel grateful that she does. Some people find her weird. I find her unique.

  9. Anyone want to make a bet?

    Lana will never win an American award, I'll be surprised if Young and beautiful is even nominated. The powers that be have decided that she'll be kept out of any chance to win something ever. She had the audacity to defend herself against the ugly slandering, now we can't have that, can we. They will always find a "new Lana" with one hit and a lot of fillers. They will always go for the big box office movie with a generic theme song. There are millions of ways and reasons to stop her from winning something.

    It's getting cold and dark outside which adds to my frustration. How I wish I was wrong, but really, I don't think so.

  10. Exactly. You cant compare Miley to for example Mariah Carey (or any opera singer) who had nearly perfect control of their voices at their prime and still manage to have lots of power to this day, and I agree her voice strains sometimes on high notes but only because she doesnt "mix" her voice she pushes to get there but she still does it . Im sure if Lana sung a G#5 in chest like Miley did does people would praise her instead of saying she didnt do it well.


    Its very annoying how people criticize Miley so much because she likes to act like a slut to gain popularity, Miley is not a bad singer, Celine Dion sings with nasal voice too and everyone praises her.


    And yes Lana can be "better" than Miley but shes very far from that. Lana doesnt sing with power because she doesnt want to and she sounds great that way, like 90% of her songs are sung softly, 0 resonance in her live performances. She chooses to sing that way.

    Technically speaking I think both you and KBr have many valid points. Now imagine Dylan with the voice of an opera singer :creep:

    Just like when you distill liquor; if it gets too pure everything will taste the same. Have you ever thought about  that people wants diversity? Someone wrote " If you want pitch-perfect voices go to the opera" I, for my part wants LDR to sound uniquely LDR, and Dylan, Cohen, Janis Joplin etc. also.

  11. hummm that is not really true but it's true. They are good musicians but still wouldn't call them a great band. A great band is able to improvise and get on with the show and is prepared to play the entire album


    1. The dont know how to play Dark Paradise

    2. The dont know how to play Off The Races

    3. They were not able to even improvise playing Off The Races. Lana did it acapella.

    4. Dark Paradise had the crowd as the production because her band didnt seem to know it




    I know it's not the usual set...but shouldn't they have all songs just in case?? At least the samples??

    Your examples just show that they can't play songs they've never rehearsed. Not even people like Clapton can be expected to do that in a great way. I was merely thinking about the great way they perform songs they actually know. But it's just my personal opinion :P I'm still in awe about the Brazilian fans though.

  12. I'm not sure if this topic has been covered before.

    In my opinion the backing band deserves a lot more credit for lifting Lana's music to great heights. I remember back at the start of the Paradise Tour some of the reviewers wrote that her backing band did not match the glamour of Lana. Now they know her every whim (almost). Just think about the drummer. I think his confident handling of the drums contributes to making her sound really special and unique. All of them are fantastic in my opinion.

  13. @ I have seen this type of personality before. My mother never touched a drop of alcohol in her entire life. But at parties etc. acted like she was a little drunk. She changed her personality depending on the situation and the people she was talking to. .When men found her witty and interesting and gave her compliments she was really happy, even at one time actually running away with one very admiring guy. But privately she was a darker more unsure person. Me and my sisters didn't really understand her. Just look at Lana's behavior at the Echo Awards this year. She was glowing, being in the middle of people that was loving her and giving her awards. If you look at the faces of the hosts they seemed a little taken back by the American whirlwind sweeping in. Arriving back in London she seemed sullen and tired. Of course it had been a tiring event and the paps are annoying., but I don't think that is the only explanation. The thing that contradicts my observation is her Ride Or Die relation with Barrie. I guess Barrie is a really cool and understanding person.

  14. Don't get me started. :usrs: There is a reason why I seek refugee in the English language. I can't even describe how terrible German looks and sounds. If I had the chance to not be German, I'd take it in a heartbeat. Alone for the sake of escaping the language... 

    English is a Germanic language. It is closely related to Low German. So German, which is an Indo-European language, is the mother of the English language. As well as the mother of the languages we speak in Scandinavia.

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