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Everything posted by venicebitch

  1. Shit my tweet about Lana debuting a song in euphoria got 23k likes… the anticipation is real
  2. It’s probably the same “sweet like rock candy” song, that’s why BOZ teased its coming sooner as we think.
  3. Doin time was originally for a documentary and later she decided to put it on NFR and I actually think it even inspired her to explore more with the surfy vibe of the album?? Fiily and the greatest were added to the album around the same time as DT was
  4. It’s true https://www.lofficiel.com/pop-culture/la-nouvelle-saison-d-euphoria-est-enfin-la-zendaya
  5. wait till i tell you about my 10-year-old self downloading recordings of webcam streams from p0rnsites and then faking them on omegle as my own to scam old men for paysafecard codes so I could pay for my club penguin monthly membership
  6. I remember when I was 14 I was changing the IDs of random songs from my iTunes to some of the unleaked titles and I started scrobbling them on last.fm so actual “insiders” started messaging me hoping I’ll trade them for another unleaked tracks. This way I got snippets of some songs so I started pretending to have them to another people and in a few weeks I had my own collection of unleaked Lana material. They’ve all leaked now, but the thing is - it’s still possible for a random twink to lay their bony hands on some Lana material - me, back in the day, being one of them. But with that being said, usually when someone’s not saying shit apart from some random adjectives that could describe literally every Lana song - they don’t know shit.
  7. I know that, and she’s not an exception since she does that since like forever, but she’s really been crossing the line lately e.g. with using literal 8-year-old YouTube ripoffs. It’s not the same as using methamphetamines in old money or reworking something so it fits in her new material and has fresher state of mind like she did with BPBP for example. It’s something different at this point and I don’t want to use the word laziness but it kinda feels like it now
  8. I’m so tired of her using another song that was supposed to be released 2 eras ago as a turning point in another era. Teasing RCS as an album title and then completely scrapping it without saying a word and now recycling the lyric in yet another era (and probably releasing loved you then and now too)… her albums feel like a frankenstein lately. I want another cohesive body of work not another scraps after scraps after scraps put together wtf is this
  9. venicebitch


    have you finished it by any chance? i love ur masterpost and i tried to add some things myself but im worried i'll fuck something up lol
  10. Why are y’all just literally choosing to get mad at this situation when you can obviously see it’s a troll after a simple glance at this girls’ Twitter account… she’s literally tweeting pictures of her with a #blackgirlmagic hashtag and 80% of her tweets are attacking popular singers just get over it and ignore her ass (and it’s probably not even a female just a white gay thinking he’s funny)
  11. it was just a troll! just scroll through this person's profile
  12. well... i consider cinnamon bombastic as well. This song is amazing
  13. yeah… Gaga’s acting was great but the editing and dialogues were like 4/10, it was also too long
  14. instead of that they're a melodrama type of sound
  15. venicebitch


    selftitled and kick i
  16. I would simply delete all my stan accounts
  17. venicebitch


    i’m not a stan of her but I can’t blame her for her inability to distinct what’s a real drag and what’s a joke when half of Internet is after her throat tbh… her reaction wasn’t that exaggerated either
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