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Lucas B.

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Posts posted by Lucas B.

  1. What if Lana is too excited about her new record and wants to release it earlier than the 21st? AM I REACHING OR WHAT

    What if she release it like 4am/5am in the morning, while the entire LanaBoards is sleeping and we woke up to the amazing news that the album was released earlier than we expected. Maybe this could make my day better, bc i'm feeling really down/sad this week :( 

  2. I remember when I first saw the Honeymoon tracklist, I liked it straight away. There was something intriguing about it especially with titles like Religion or Salvatore. But I'm not feeling these titles.. I mean Groupie Love, In My Feelings they just don't sound good to me. Not to talk about Summer Bummer :defeated:

    I understand you, the new titles don't have the same impact as the ultraviolence and honeymoon ones.

    But as Lana never disappoint us i'm sure all songs are great and we'll love them

  3. I love it when this happens. 


    When a song sorta just breathes a new kind of sound and life on vinyl. It seems real pretentious, which, I hope not, but in some moments, it can really just change how a song feels, if that even makes any sense.

    No, it isn't pretentious sis and it make sense, it's true hahaha

  4. Feat.? 

    Fuck Lana, enough feats (and if you wanted a feat. with a rapper then why not call MGK?).

    It's obvi that i'm fucking curious, after all it's a song from our queen, but i'm afraid we'll get too much feats on the album (A$ap, Stevie, Sean - those are confirmed - and, probably, Marina, Borns and god knows who). I just hope this to be good as LFL is and I ope I get surprised (I was like ''fuck, another with Abel? enough bish'' but I loved it since the first time I heard, so I hope the same to happen with this one)

  5. Terrence Loves You - Never liked it too much, but received my hm vinyl yesterday and, while listening to it, the song grew on me and it sounds so fucking beautiful on vinyl (on digital, in my headphones, it sounds so fucking boring)


    Wondering how some of you could despise/hate Million Dollar Man, Without You and Pretty When You Cry. Are u crazy, gays?

    Thank Lana I didn't saw anyone mention Shades of Cool cause this person would have to be banned from here

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