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Posts posted by ANGELINA JOLIE

  1. I'm under the impression LMLYLAW isn't about gender, steretypical gender roles or sexual orientation at all. When I first read the track title, I thought it's about the difference between the love of a woman and a girl. She's a woman now, wanting serious relationship(s) and maybe the man still doesn't want to commit or doesn't want to (or isn't ready to) accept her "grown up" love.

    I mostly agree with @LemonadeHeavens interpretations. I think it's about her being able to love deeper and being ready for something serious, something more than just a girlfriend but at the same time not necessarily being a wife. Maybe something in between. A "womanfriend" lol.

    That's just my opinion though, I know we don't talk about Francesco anymore but somehow I thought of him an her (she wanted to settle down, he didn't) and even though we got some bs reasons about "busy schedules" in her current break up with Sean, that could also be the reason why it didn't work out. She wanted more and he didn't. But I digress.

  2. hate to rain on the parade but... im p sure this is the same picture used in this article, just with a filter over it https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/16/science/scientists-just-say-no-to-chemtrails-conspiracy-theory.html

    ohh yeah it does. I'm sure its the same one just cropped, even the tree and leaves are the same! but I honestly don't care that much if its real or not, I'm still waiting for news from Lana herself

  3. She still has filler. They’re just partly dissolved n not freshly done. For some people when they get filler touch ups theyll get an extra amount so that the volume in their cheeks will last longer. So for the first month or so they walk around lookin crazy until it dissolves a bit. Cause some ppls bodies break down the filler faster than others


    i love beauty stuff so i just wanted to say lolol

    I've seen a doctor talk on youtube about it, that fillers don't really dissolve but move around (not sure anymore if they do not dissolve at all or just take longer that the aprox. 6 months). That's why a lot of people get them redone, thinking the filler is dissolving/gone, so they end up stacking and piling up fillers, because the new one will move again after some time, giving the illusion it dissolved. That's why Kylie Jenner and many other Instacelebs that are known to regularly do fillers, end up having kind of a round and puffy face after a while, because they're piling up the fillers and the old one "fills" another part of the face. For anyone interested, just look up Dr. Gavin Chan on youtube, he explains things quite clear and easy understandable.


    I hope Lana doesn't ruin her face with it, she is so beautiful and I'd be a shame if she ended up with a puffy face.


    disclaimer (so I won't get lynched lol): I don't care about fillers or anyone who does them, I just wanted to state interesting facts and my concern for Lana, thats all

  4. Excuse me if someone already mentioned this... but in all this Kanye talk I'm not seeing anyone mention that Lana actually performed at Kanye and Kim's wedding.  Lana was Kim's favorite artist at the time.  So when Lana called out Kanye, she knew him relatively well going back to his wedding.  But he was/is an important figure that she saw misleading "the culture" (as she always likes to put it) with his MAGA hats and Trump support.

    I thought about mentioning it but decided not to, because I'm not sure how "off-topic" we're allowed to get in here and I didn't want to spark another war about old news lmao sorry I'm not that active so I don't know. But yeah, she sang for free at their wedding, so her deciding to criticise Kanye wasn't even that big of a reach imo since they're at least acquainted. But WilshireBoulevard also made a good point, there may have been something more behind it, whether subconcious or not by her. Anyways, I only brought Kanye up again because someone earlier wanted her to take a jab at trump like taylor to show that she isn't a MAGA supporter but she already did that - though indirectly through Kanye.


    Edit: spelling & grammar

  5. There's definitely a valid point in considering why she chose to attack /Kanye/ instead of white famous Trump supporters. Yes, Kanye was in the news, yes she knows Kanye, but there's also a possible racial element and seeing Kanye as a "traitor" siding with Trump to try and get some personal points in while stepping on other people to get there. There's more complexities to it than "white person criticised black person therefore racist." There's a long history of tensions between white women and black people politically, particularly in America, and particularly involving attacking, criticising, and even sabotaging each other and each other's political movements and gains instead of focusing on the white men in charge and their white male supporters.

    You made some very good points and I admit, as an asian person from Europe I perceive these Black/White issues and topics in America differently than the people who are actually involved. I'm just recognizing a trend on social media to label everyone as a racist as soon as different ethnicities come into play, even though may not even be a racial issue in the first place. While I do understand why people have very strong feelings about this topic I also try to offer a third view, one that is not as heatedly involved and maybe be a bit more neutral than the white american vs. black american. Side note, America wouldn't probably be in half of this mess if it handled and processed it's history differently.


    From my perspective, I never really perceived Lana as a racist. Maybe ignorant and awkward from time to time but nothing bad enough to justify all the hate she gets now and I suspect most of the harsh criticism she gets is because she's white. And yes, while there may be some underlying racial elements as to why she picked Kanye, imo it takes a lot more than that to actually qualify as a racist - at least in her case. She may've been an opportunist but I never saw her as a racist.

  6. it's not about her not being able to criticize black people, it's that calling out Kanye was an easy move. it's very similar to when people call Trump "a cheeto." it's surface-level and makes it seem like you have no understanding of real issues. people were already hating on Kanye and Trump. it's easy to call someone else out when everybody else is doing it. calling out someone who thinks we should abolish the 13th Amendment is easy. Addressing why Kanye wanted to change the language of the 13th Amendment and prison reform is a bit more difficult to address though. She didn't do anything

    from the comments, articles and other sources I've seen they had a problem with her because she never openly took any political stand (which is wrong) and her allegedly first move was against a black person / Kanye. Trying to not go too off topic here, but I always thought it was ridiculous, because I was under the impression she said something because they were somewhat acquainted. Whether her callout was right or wrong - I don't have an opinion on that I was just replying to the person I quoted - just because it may have been an easy move, doesn't mean it was a racist one but people jumped on that racist thing real quick just because Kanye is black and Lana is white, fabricating all kinds of stories and spreading misinformation about her.

    not cardi  :facepalm: if i had to guess why, i'd say that maybe cardi was the only person who messaged her after the other controversy and didnt drag her 


    also please God dont let cardi be in COCC 

    don't jinx it

  7. i really would apreciate if she went from trump neck like taylor did. she needs  to show her dissapointement with him in the moments like this.

    she criticised Kanye a while back for supporting Trump and posting a picture wearing a MAGA cap and got heat for that too, people were calling her a racist because apparently you can't criticise poc anymore when you're white without being a racist. Even that hot mess Azelia went on a rant about it (was that how the girl fight started, or was it shortly after that?)


    Social media is a disease and I think her main problem is, that she became "too mainstream". Her art, her music, taste and way of expression is just too unconventional/peculiar (I don't feel like this is the right adjective, sorry engl is not my first lang. but I hope you guys know what I mean) for the mainstream media consumers to understand.

  8. it's about getting people to donate money. idgaf about what Lana thinks about anymore, but a lot of fans do and they'll break out their wallets if Miss Thing endorses it. It doesn't matter if they're doing it for the right reasons, it's just about money resources getting to the people who need it and who are actually fighting for justice right now

    admittedly, I haven't thought about it from this point of view and you're right, it's a reasonable argument for wanting her to share donation links, though I still stand with what I said. Links are shared left and right, and I doubt there are people not missing it and only waiting for Lana to donate so just they do the same. I'd love to believe there are ppl with more brains than that out there and do the right thing without having their fave to do it first so they can follow. Those ppl must be 14 or something and even though every dollar counts, I still do think the missing impact from them is still not enough to hold it against her or blame her for not doing enough (since we aren't able to judge her involvement anyways)

  9. honestly tho I hope she deletes her social media or at least moves back to her honeymoon account or something, this whole social media culture is messy and exhausting af, I feel for her.


    Everybody just interprets what they want into her posts, it doesn't matter what she does, there is always someone complaining. And this pretentious "she should use her platform to spread awareness", "she should post donation links so ppl know what to do" or "her silence really says a lot" is ridiculous. What is this obsession and dependency with celebrities people have these days, since when does your social media feed reflect every part and corner of your political and social opinion. Everyone in- and outside the States knows what is going on, we don't need Lana to "spread more awareness" on this topic, it's all over the fucking international news. People all over the world are protesting, holding memorials and weirdly enough they got wind of it without the help of Lana.


    Yes, it would shed a better light on her public image if she posted donation links etc. but what would it really change? If you as a private person really care enough to get involved, you shouldn't depend on a celebrities' instagram or twitter feed in the first place, the first logical reaction would be to simply google how and where to help/show support/donate. Donation links are shared all over the internet and y'all mad at her because she's not as visibly involved as you want her to be? Besides the fact one should always double check sources/donation links, since celebs are humans and also make mistakes/fall victim to scams. A bit of self-involvement is always required, Lana isn't here to serve everything you need to know on a silver plate.


    If someone really is dependent on celebrities social media accounts to get informed about news and recent world events, the problem isn't a celebrity (Lana) not posting about it but one's unhealthy obsession with celebrities (and maybe the way of one own's media consumption). Lana is an artist, not a politician, social rights activist or human rights lawyer. It's not fair to judge and demand from her the same public engagement as someone who's doing it for a living or simply voluntarily chooses to be more vocal about it, it is not her job to educate people. And it's not her job to post every single thought she has, this social media obsession is getting out of control. It was already bad with facebook but Instagram and Twitter are making it worse, one is getting judged by their content on a frickin' APP. It's as if private thoughts, opinions and actions do not exist outside that social media bubble.

    Stan or unstan her, support her or not but it's ridiculous to pretend this is not some form of ego satisfaction, wanting your fave celebrities to share your same values and opinions and not wanting to get disappointed by seeing the human behind that "celebrity" image. It's not about her and her political stand or more "awareness" (she isn't the biggest celeb out there, i doubt her massive impact), it's about how we perceive her and wish her to be, because in the end, we are all obsessed but none of us really knows her outside of the image she created for herself, with the content she shares. Leave her be.

  10. It's really annoying seeing all the "the media is making this worse" talk. We have to make people take this seriously, otherwise more people will die. We have to take extreme measures, otherwise we'll have to shut down more countries like Italy. Of course the decisions being made are tough, but this isn't an easy situation or "just another flu". Ugh, at least we'll have Future Nostalgia to stream while we're all quarantined.


     It's equally annoying how the media actually does make it worse, which is in no way helpful. Every 10 minutes there is another new article popping up, telling us nothing new but the same thing over and over again just worded differently. The media isn't even educating us why the numbers of the infected are rising, not only because of 'new' infections but mainly because hospitals are slowly getting the medicinal supplies and tests they need so they can even confirm an infection in the first place. Leaving out this crucial information makes it seem the virus is spreading way faster than it actually does, which will send more people into panic mode. It's also leaving out the fact, that the virus doesn't affect the younger (children) that bad or the symptons aren't as severe as with elderly people. The virus is mainly deadly for the elderly or people with already strained immune systems.


    That does not mean it's not sad for those affected and their families and it doesn't make their deaths in any way less painful physically or emotionally, but it shows that people in average or good health should be fine. Our immune systems are fighting worse things on a daily basis, like cancer cells, with success. Which also leads to the fact, how it astounds me, no one is covering the numbers of the people who actually recovered from the virus, and the number is way higher than the ones who died from it. I don't care if you believe me, you can check all those facts online, there are even live tolls on youtube or websites that show numbers the media isn't covering because the only thing they're telling us is the infection / death count and to wash hands. Seriously, the human race overcame worse things like the plague, corona is nothing in comparison (yet).


    It will be taken under control soon, our medical supplies and modern medicine is amazing and scientists and doctors are working fast, corona will not wipe out the human race, nor will anyone who got infected die instantly without any chances of recovering. Also, quarantine and isolation are two different things. Quarantine is for both infected people and people who aren't tested positive for the virus yet, but are under suspicion of being infected. Quarantine isn't a death sentence, people are held under quarantine because there are no ways to handle corona yet and to slow the spreading speed


    Lastly, being annoyed at the bad media coverage doesn't automatically mean not taking corona serious. We just want more useful information and less headlines or uneducated / poorly researched articels for the sole purpose of generating clicks and newspaper sells.


    We need to be alert, not anxious.


    Rant over.

  11. i wish people would be this crazy about antibiotic resistant bacteria or the climate change. scientists warned us about these things years, if not decades ago and the same people ignoring that are now buying massive amounts of hand sanitizers and face masks. just shows people's fears and opinions are controlled by the media and are only interested in what affects them directly and what not.

    I'm so done with this mediocre boulevard level media coverage this corona thing is getting, instead of well researched articles backed with reputeable sources, we get mass-hysteria and no useful information.

  12. Do people here like Freak? Cause everyone seems to hate trap, I wonder how yall feel about that one

    tbh I didn't care for it at first but ever since i got high as a kite in amsterdam and heard that song leak through the headphones of the guy next to me in the tram, i'm obsessed with it. luckily my weed induced self has better taste in music than usual-me lol ended up watching the music video on repeat that night

  13. I wouldn't say the era has started. I would call it a pre-era. She hasn't even released the official lead single. We're stuck waiting for the moment, but it might end up being like the Honeymoon era once the lead single is out. We could have the lead single in July and the album in August or September. In this case, the NFR era wouldn't be a mess at all. Anyway, I personally think we're not in this era yet.

    wasn't mariners apartment complex the lead single?

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