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Posts posted by CherryGalore

  1. Well, didn't someone once say that all publicity is good publicity?


    It's weird, even when I read the interview for the very first time - before the hype explosion - I just thought, well, I know where you're coming from. I didn't worry that she was about to take her own life or any of that and didn't really think twice about it... I imagined it kinda like she said it (having just listened to the audio.) But I guess the reason is, that I feel like I really relate to that kind of underlying blues where you don't take life for granted. You kinda question whether you want to be here or not, it's never just a given. But at the same time never ever wanting (truly) to take your own life, because the beauty of life isn't lost on you either.


    I find Jaime's tweets really weird. It's REALLY hard for me not to think that the first one was indeed aimed at Lana. Fits perfectly. And if they're still as close as they have been in the past, then why isn't she up to date with this media storm of BS surrounding Lana?

  2. I actually don't think it sounds like Barrie.


    And no, it wasn't Barrie, but some Seth person.

    My favorite part of the song is near the ending when Barrie starts singing along his voice really compliments the song and I really wish he actually got to sing a verse or two like a duet its very Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood


    It's not Barrie.

  3. Lana should consider writing more songs with Barrie. BKLB is the ultimate hipster anthem and its the best track from UV so far. Its lyrically also strong.I think its a lovely and sweet track. My fav part is near the end where barrie joins it just..well it makes me speachless. To put it this way this has knocked NA off my number 1 fav LDR track and its been replaced by this masterpiece.


    I actually don't think it sounds like Barrie.

  4. Yeah, I guess they could've easily been friendly with each other at one point. I remember seeing a video of Lana interacting with fans. One of the paparazzi asked her about Gaga (if they would ever collab I think) and at first she was just silent, (but she heard'im) and when he asked again, she said something like "dude, you're kiling me." I got the impression that Lana's def not "amused."

  5. I'm sure it's been established, that they were part of the same scene. They performed at the same clubs around the same time. As for being friends: I think not.

    Have you heard "So Legit" by Lana? It's dissing Gaga quite intensely... There was a facebook post of Lana saying that she's a hater (referencing Gaga) - and then there's something I don't know enough about - a possible exboyfriend having an argument with Lana over Gaga... They definitely seem to have been rivals, rather than friends :tsk:

  6. It was obviously about Lana.. like idg anyone who denies it? He hit her in her very most vulnerable places-her authenticity (something she's said she is continuously in interviews)-- by accusing her of being on drugs when she had been claiming sobriety in interviews AND by claiming that people dislike her- when Lana so desperately wants to be liked.. that's probably her biggest flaw- as a public figure, I mean. And Lana was actually in L.A. at the time, she was staying at the Chateau and had been hanging out with Bradley a lot before that.. 


    I mean idc if ppl like bradley or w/e.. I think he looks like his dick smells but anyone who says that whole controversy wasn't about lana is a lil.. deluded lol

    Yeah, like I said in my post, I came to that realization too... So yeah.

  7. I honestly believe that his rant was directed towards Lana. I do remember seeing a screenshot from Instagram of him saying that her lips are fake, after he swore that they were real and I also heard an interview how he had sued either her or the record label for using him on some of her shirts without any sort of compensation. I do think it's kinda of amazing that she seems to be on good terms with him since he did all this while she was still in the "dark ages" with the United States and he was sure as hell not helping her get into a brighter perspective in the public eye. I'm really on the fence of him being in the music video because all of what has happened makes him look like a jerk that she shouldn't give the time of day but Born to Die and Blue Jeans are probably my favorite music videos so it makes me kinda excited to see him. Whatever it is it's Lana's choice and if she's cool with him then that great for her.


    Yeah, it probably was directed towards Lana. As effed up as it is for him to say those things, I do feel sorry for him somehow. He must not have had the easiest of times. I guess you only inflict pain upon others if you yourself are in pain. It speaks volumes of Lana's character that she's forgiven him (assuming she knew what's been said and done on his part.) Or is it her penchant for bad boys taking over? "I like it when you treat me mean" :brows3:

    I think Born to Die and Blue Jeans are magnificent music videos and both Lana and Soileau are just visions in them :thirst:

  8. Not according to Porcelain.


    But even if you still believe his story about his tweets being about Jeffree Star, they're incredibly bigoted if interpreted that way. (Despite his gender-bending I believe Jeffree identifies as male. Bradley refers to the object of his ire as "she"/"her", a "bitch", a "speed fairy" and "a no talent diva".) Either way Swallow's an asshole.


    What I was going to write:

    It makes me sad for Soileau that people have such negative opinions on him. Him and Lana are clearly fine, isn't that saying something? If he really was targeting her in his rant, I find it truly amazing that she has forgiven him to the point of having him be a part of yet another video. He stated that his rant was targeted at Jeffree Star, whom he was in an aggressive feud with over Porcelain Black just around the time of his rant. Soileau called the person he was targeting a "speed fairy." I definitely don't get this ("speedy") vibe from Lana. His target is "on drugs floating around L.A." Lana wasn't even living in L.A. at the time, she was based in the U.K. And on drugs..? I truly find that doubtful. But then again, how would I know. And also the "everyone that meets you fucking hates you" .... Again, I have a very hard time relating this to Lana. Having just listened to a Jeffree Star track "no talent diva" kinda makes sense  :derpna:


    But! Having read Porcelain Blacks twitter rant at her ex (they love those rants) - she clearly outed his ass. According to her, his tweets were targeting Lana due to bitterness over being axed from the National Anthem video... And furthermore, she claims (somewhere else) that he was abusive and violent towards her... Which breaks my heart.


    What's my point? Hmm. I have none. Except for the fact that I guess Soileau did have it out for Lana? Which makes me very  :horror: seeing that she's working with him again. AND (sorry this is long, but I dunno where to find that "spoiler" function) the drug related accusations make me feel like a massive, glimmering question mark.

  9. I've never had a problem with the guy, (didn't even know he had been a jerk on Twitter- on the contrary I thought he had defende her when he spoke on the matter of her lips) ... I always thought they had good chemistry on screen, so I don't mind his presence ..


    Thanks, Heartcore ! :)


    But his twitter rant wasn't even about Lana...

  10. I was thinking, does anyone know why the song is called Kill Kill? If it's about K, we do know about his "double homicide", so I was thinking Kill Kill referred to the death of two people. 

    Also, One, two, make it fun, don't trust anyone

    Could be about killing one person, then the next. Don't trust anyone, as K was probably a drug dealer.


    OMFG amazing mindfuck right now. "Two tears in solidarity" anyone?? From the Y&B video? A teardrop tattoo can symbolize a life taken.


    Looked teardrop tattoo up on wiki (yeah yeah, whatevs) and it said: "It is sometimes worn by the female companions of prisoners in solidarity with their loved ones."

  11. You're probably right. I still find it :facepalm: worthy. I guess, good for Rob? :D


    I do know what you mean! I think he's having the time of his life :hoe:  I saw a bit of a video of him (which he posted himself and his own youtube channel :eek:  ) where he was handing out spare tickets to one of L's concerts and it was kinda funny how adamant he was to give everybody a hug... Disclaimer: I am NOT a "robster." But I have been doing a lil' stalking, as any good Lana fan would :creepna2:

  12. It seems like she had such a comfortable life as Liz. Hanging out in dat darn trailer park, wearing wigs and making videos, writing songs.... Just being a general menace. And then the occasional social work... Pretty sweet life. :candy:

  13. I almost feel sorry for the guy. I wish that fans didn't make idiots out of themselves.


    I think he luvs it. Otherwise he wouldn't be spending ages on twitter engaging with all of those ...peeps. I remember reading an old interview (from before her breakthrough) - he said, he was living vicariously through her, so I guess that's what he's doing :creepna2:      :thankyou:  

  14. Totally agree with that gameboy speculation! Also I wouldn't be surprised if he rushed into marriage to prove his faithfulness to his new love because Lana was messing around, tryna ruining their relationship.. (bad bad girl  :crossed:


    Ughh that OOW hair looks so weird, should've assumed it was a wig.. hell knows why she's wearing that thing in private pics!






    Yeah, I see you're point about that new relationship and marriage...

    Haha, so funny. She likes to dress up :dmd:

  15.  I don't know I'm personally not hating on him, but maybe adding up to Afraid, I think Lana and him were together until at least January 2010 when her album was coming out (he was also in the Jump video and there's also a pic of them in which lanas hair looks the same as in the On Our Way video), but on his youtube channel he uploaded a video in November 2010 of his wedding with this german chick.. And she was wearing a summer dress, so maybe they even married in summer?! I think he moved on a bit fast, maybe too fast for the lana fans!


    Thanks heaps for the clarification <3 

    On page 19 there's an entry by "Gameboy" shortly discussing their relationship, saying that Lana left him "in a bad way" after their two-year relationship and that she tried to get between him and his new boo... I strongly suspect it's written either by MM himself or his wifey (I know I'm not the first to think that :derpna3: ) ... I guess if she left him in a bad way (whatever that means) he could sorta do his own thing, eh. Btw Lana's wearing a wig in the OOW video.

  16. Well, he touches her belly in Body Electric/paradise too, as an act of sensuality, and the balloons could be anything... I think to assume pregnancy is a bit of a stretch idk


    One of the balloons does say "MOM".... Inneresting.


    Question: having gone through this entire thread I sorta got the feeling that people don't really "like" Michael Mizrahi. Is that because of the lyrics in "Afraid" which seem to allude to the fact that he wanted to come between Liz and her career? Or is there another reason?

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